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Computing - Intent


At Sacred Heart, we believe understanding and applying the fundamental principles of Computing are so important. These include abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation as well as digital technology, including the use of multi-media, to access wider opportunities of learning and research.


Computing Integration


At Sacred Heart, we endeavour to deliver Digital Literacy across the Curriculum. From Nursery to Year 6, pupils have the opportunity to develop their digital skills using a range of devices and applications.


  • From Nursery to Year 4, our pupils have access to iPads and Seesaw. These devices and application have been chosen due to their user friendly experience, simple and easy to use instructions and motor movement friendliness.
  • In Year 5 and 6, our pupils have access to two different devices and applications; Chromebooks and Google Classroom. These are designed to help our pupils prepare for both Secondary School and ICT use in later life.


The main applications that we use at Sacred Heart, Seesaw and Google Classroom, are used in our Computing lessons and for homework. However, teachers across the school will utilise our devices to evidence a range of learning our pupils encounter on their school journey. This may include:


  • Carrying out and evidencing science experiments
  • Showing with they have created in Art and Design Technology
  • Create PowerPoint and Google Slide presentations in History, Geography and Religious Education to share with the class
  • Showing new skills they have learnt in Physical Education
  • Publishing work in English
  • Creating graphs and charts to analyse in Maths.


Along with many other exciting projects they complete.

Computing overview 2022 - 2023

Keeping children safe online

Social Media Age Restrictions



One of the programmes that Sacred Heart uses to teach Coding is Scratch, please click the link to find out more.

ICT skills

Here are some skills that are really useful and will give your child a head start with their ICT.

We've had
2 9 2 9 5 1
Previously we had