St Francis class were asked to investigate when a strange object landed in our playground.
As the new 'Sacred Heart Detective Agency' we put on our badges and went to assess the crime scene. We looked at the different materials we could see, described them and predicted what could have happened.
We then were shown images from the school's CCTV which showed a strange creature near the was Beegu!
Keep an eye out on our photo gallery to see the different ways we explore Beegu throughout our curriuclum this half term!
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Want to get excited for Spring 1?
Click on the link below which will introduce you to what we'll be looking at in our History Topic next half term!
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Friday 18th September: Year 1 Homework support
Good afternoon everyone! Hope you've had a lovely week and that you've got a lovely weekend ahead- It's been a great week in class as we have started our lessons and I've been so very proud of the children!
Thank you so much for all of your support already with the reading records and phonics books. It's been amazing to see you get involved from the off and will have such a positive impact on your children. Please continue to read each night and in the phonics book, please remember to get your child to
1) Copy the sound across the page on the lines given
2) Think of 3 words that include that sound and write them next to the numbers.
Today (Friday) the rest of the homework goes out. It is always set on a Friday to be returned the following Friday. You will get:
O One sheet of Writing homework that will be put in their reading record folder- see example below
O One activity set on Mathletics - see screenshot of this week's activity below. Your child's login details have been stuck at the back of their reading record. When your child has completed the set activity they are then free to complete other activities if they wish or access the games on the site. However, the only activity that has to be done is the one set activity.
Reading eggs login details are also in the back of reading records but this is optional. The children really enjoy it but you can do it as and when you'd like- nothing will be set on there formally.
Welcome to Miss Spillman's class!
Year 1- St. Francis of Assisi
A special video message for parents - scroll down to see the video from Miss Spillman (class teacher) and Mrs Bates (class learning support assistant).
It's been a fantastic first week in our lovely class- I hope the children have told you all about the lovely things we have been up to and that they have come home with big smiles. I've been so very proud of how well they
settled into our class after such a long time! It's been lovely seeing them reunite with their friends and they have shown so much enthusiasm for their new classroom and new learning too.
I will be giving more support and information on our class page surrounding homework next week. Homework (other than Reading and Phonics) is set on a Friday and due the following Friday. Phonics sound books and Reading Records need to be done each night and will go home from next Monday 14th September.
Please feel free to send in pictures of lovely things you've done at home that we can share on our class page (email: We will be sharing some lovely pictures from class too this year!
Thanks so much for all your support already this year,
Miss Spillman and Mrs Bates :)