Summer 1- Handball and Athletics
Next half term, we are going to be learning about the invasion game Handball and Athletics!
We are very excited to use lots of equipment and learn lots of new skills!
Have a look at our knowledge organisers below to see what kind of thing we'll be getting up to!
Spring 2- Gymnastics
In Spring 2, we did gymnastics!
We really enjoyed exploring lots of balances on different body parts and we were able to hold the balances for 3 seconds or more!
We also learnt a variety of rolls and jumps. Our challenge was to create a sequence for our friends to watch.
Autumn 2- Rounders and Arsenal coaches
This half term, Year 3 have been doing Rounders and Football!
On Monday afternoons, Saint Bernadette have been learning Rounders. We learnt lots of different techniques that are useful when playing Rounders- Long Barrier, Underarm throw and Overarm throw. We learnt that when doing Long Barrier, it's important for the heel of your foot and your knee to be touching so the ball doesn't roll between your legs. We also learnt that when doing Underarm throw, it's important to step forwards and to point with your non-throwing hand at the target.
On Tuesday afternoons, Saint Bernadette have been doing Football with Arsenal! We really enjoyed learning about working collaboratively and using communication to improve our football skills. We particularly enjoyed playing mini games at the end and improving our sportsmanship.
Autumn 1- Fitness
In P.E. we have really enjoyed focussing on our fitness- especially after lockdown! We have been taking part in a variety of fitness lessons that have really got our heart beats racing! We have been challenging ourselves to stay active for 15 minutes at a time and have been demonstrating fantastic sportsmanship!