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Y3F Miss Fulton

Send any photos/videos/messages to:

Have a wonderful summer holiday 3F!


Thank you all for sending in your RAINBOW photo!


How amazing is this!?






Thursday 16th July


Goodbye Year 3!

See you in September as Year 4's!


Watch the video's below to see Miss Spurgeon and my very special surprise for you all! ENJOY! 


Have an amazing summer holiday cool


Lots of love, 

Miss Fulton heart

Goodbye until September


Miss Spurgeon and Miss Fulton's TIKTOK DEBUT

Still image for this video

Monday 6th July


Welcome to SPORTS WEEK!


Have a look at this week's video below including my 30 second sports challenge, and make sure you look at Miss Spurgeon's sports challenge on her class page too!


Send your 30 second sport challenges to the admin email! 



Click the link below to watch Miss Pipkin's weekly assembly and an explanation of the meaning behind our RAINBOW class photo!



Good luck and HAVE FUN!!!


I will speak to you all again on Wednesday. 




Miss Fulton heart


Sports Week

Friday 3rd July


Happy Friday Year 3!


It was lovely to talk to so many of you on Wednesday! Please remember to send in your photos for our class photo to the admin email by next week! 

Have a lovely weekend!


See you all in Monday's video! 



Miss Fulton heart

Monday 29th June


Good morning 3F!

Below are your weekly videos. 


Pay particular attention to the information about class photographs in my video.

Remember, our colour is LIGHT BLUE.


Send in your photos for our class photo this week.


I will speak to you all again on Wednesday! I can't wait! 


Missing you all,


Miss Fulton heart



Week 12


An introduction to Persuasive Writing

Monday 22nd June


Good morning Year 3!

Below are all of your videos, including a story from me and a very special message from Mrs Holloway and Missy!

We miss you all very much and I cant wait to speak to you all again on Wednesday.


This week you are starting your week 11 learning packs and Miss Spurgeon and I have included some extra challenges at the back, you do not have to do them, but they are lots of fun so have a go! 


Speak to you on Wednesday!




Miss Fulton heart

Super Duper You

Story time

Mrs Holloway

3F message


Week 11


Week 11

Friday 19th June

I really enjoyed speaking to you all again this week, thank you so much for all your hard work at home - it makes me the proudest teacher EVER!


On Monday, I am going to read a story to you all during my Monday message, but I thought I would give you all a clue as to what it is about... 

Below is the blurb. Do you think you can guess?




Monday 15th June


Welcome to week 10 of your learning packs. Your learning videos are below along with my message for the week. My challenge for you this week is to complete a positivity challenge activity which you can see below. Choose a day, complete a challenge, and send it in to the admin email. 


Here is Miss Pipkin's assembly for this week:


I will speak to you all again on Wednesday! 


Take care, 


Miss Fultonheart




Home Learning


Still image for this video

Monday 8th June


Welcome to week 9! Below are your learning videos, please make sure you watch them before beginning your learning packs. 


Here is the link for Miss Pipkin's Friday assembly:



If you would like to take part in the positivity challenge, just click the link below to find the calendar!



If you want to try and make a pizza this week, here is the link to the recipe I used...



I will speak to you all on Wednesday


Take care, 


Miss Fulton heart




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Friday 5th June


It was so lovely to speak to lots of you yesterday! I will be calling again next Wednesday.


Below is part 2 of the 'Room on the Broom' story, let's see what happened in the end...

Part 2

Still image for this video
On Thursday 4th June, I will be calling all of your families! I can't wait to speak to you and find out all the lovely things you have been doing! 

Monday 1st June


Welcome back! Below are the videos for this week.

Please watch the learning videos before you begin working on week 8's learning pack.


English Home Learning

Your English video this week is all about a book called 'Room on the Broom'. Miss Spurgeon will read the book to you and you will be using it to complete your English and reading work this week.

On the Year 3/4 page under the Year 3 home learning star, you will also find pictures of the book pages in the PART 1 document under week 8 home learning.

On Friday, I will be posting another 'Room on the Broom' video to show you what happens at the end of the book so make sure you have a look on Friday morning!



Music Home Learning

This week, you are recapping your times tables which you shouldn't need me to explain however the songs that we do in class are in our HELPFUL WEBSITES sticky note under MATHS. 

Instead, I have done a video showing you how to use Charanga (our music website). You have all been sent your log in details via a text so please ask your parents or carers for this. If you did not receive a text with your details or you have forgotten them, send me an email as I have all of your log in usernames and passwords. 


Here is a picture of my painting from this week! Can you see what it is?

I have really enjoyed painting outside in the lovely sunshine.



Remember to send in your pictures!


Have a wonderful week!




Miss Fulton heart




Still image for this video

Friday 22nd May


You've completed week 7 of your learning packs! I am so proud of you for working so hard these last 7 weeks, you are all

super stars!


This week I read a story for everyone! The video is below if you want to watch it.


Enjoy your week off and have a safe half term, make sure you try and have some fun! As always, I miss you all very much and I hope to see you soon. I will speak to you all again on Monday 1st June.


Lots of love, 


Miss Fulton heart

Flat Stanley

Miss Fulton's Story Time

Monday 18th May


Welcome to Week 7!

Below you can find our videos for this week. I have added some websites to the 'HELPFUL WEBSITES' page so make sure you have a look at them as well. Have a fantastic week! 


Enjoy your activities and keep sending in those pictures!


Lots of Love,

Miss Fultonheart




Still image for this video

Friday 15th May


Well done on completing your learning pack this week 3F! Thank you all for your pictures and also your contribution to our 'Share the Love of Sacred Heart' video! It was lovely to see your smiling faces! If you haven't already seen our Friday assembly video, click the link below to watch it. Have a lovely, safe weekend and I can't wait to speak to you all in Monday's video.


Take care,



Miss Fulton heart

Monday 11th May

Hi Year 3! Below are the English and Maths videos as well as my personal message for week 6! You can find lots of websites to help you with your learning packs in our 'HELPFUL WEBSITES' sticky note at the top of this page. 


If you would like to complete some music activities, your parents have all received your login details so you can complete some of the fun games and learn new songs on the website below! 


As always, your Reading Eggs and Mathletics homework has been set so don't forget to complete it by Friday!



Please also have a look at this video link, it's from all of your teachers and LSA's sending love to you from home.



Have a lovely week!

Stay safe, 

Miss Fulton heart



Week 6 home learning


Still image for this video

Friday 8th May


Our riddle answer was...

Your shadow!

Well done if you guessed it correctly!


Have a lovely long weekend 3F! I will speak to you all on Monday.


Take care, stay safe!


Miss Fultonheart

Monday 4th May


Hi year 3!


Have a look at my video as well as our English and Maths videos below. 


I know that many of you are reading lots of books which is fantastic but if you are running out of books to read, there is a website below that has free online books. All you need to do is ask a parent to sign up for a FREE online account. I hope you enjoy all the lovely books there are online!


Here is our riddle challenge for this week! Please send any answers into the admin email address. 




Enjoy your week!


Miss Fulton heart


Welcome to Week 5!



Still image for this video

Friday 1st May

Well done to everyone for completing my cereal box challenge this week! We have a winner.....





Armand completed the challenge in 38 seconds! Almost half my time! Well done Armand!



I hope you all have a lovely weekend, and I will speak to you all on Monday. 


Stay safe!


Love, Miss Fulton heart

Monday 27th April


Hi 3F! I hope you enjoy this weeks challenge! I had a lot of fun doing it myself. Can you beat 1 minute and 11 seconds? Please find my challenge at the end of the 'Week 4 Message' video.


Below are also the Maths and English videos that Miss Spurgeon and I have done for you - hopefully you find them helpful for this week's learning pack (week 4). 


Hopefully on Thursday (April 23rd), you received Sacred Heart’s World Book Night video! It is a video from all the teachers retelling the story of ‘The Sheep and The Goat’. If you didn’t receive it or want to watch it again, press on the link below!


At the top of our class page, please see the pink sticky note 'Helpful websites' for some fun games and activities



Enjoy the video! 


See you all soon I hope,


Miss Fulton heart



Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Friday 24th April

Happy Friday!! As promised, here is what my picture from Monday's challenge looks like! I wonder does yours look the same? Have a lovely weekend 3F, and I will speak to you all on Monday! Stay safe.



Miss Fulton heart



22.04.20: A message from Mrs Holloway and Missy!

Still image for this video

Monday 20th April

Welcome to Summer Term 1! Have a look at the video I've uploaded and try the challenge! Make sure you send your pictures in to the admin email address. Enjoy!



Miss Fultonheart

Hello 3F!

Friday 3rd April

You've completed your learning packs! Well done, I can't wait to have a look at all your hard work. 

Time for a break now, enjoy your 2 weeks off and relax!! 

Please do send in any pictures of the things you've been getting up to during these last few weeks, i'd love to see and i'm sure the rest of 3F would too! Ask an adult to help you send your pictures to

I have almost finished my painting! I will put it up here once it is completed for you to have a look. 


Have a healthy, restful and happy Easter year 3! smiley



Miss Fulton




Monday 30th March


Hello 3F! I hope you and your families are safe and well and you are keeping busy! You will have completed your first week of your home learning pack - well done for working so hard on them! Today, you will be starting week two and I know you will all try your very best with your activities because you are AMAZING. 


Remember to complete Reading Eggs and Mathletics tasks this week and keep practicing your times tables. Can you teach your parents or siblings the songs we sing in class?

Click on the following links to sing along! - x 3 - x 4 - x 8


I hope you have all been spending your spare time doing something nice. I've been doing some painting which has been very relaxing. I can't wait to see and hear all the things you've got up to! It might take a WHOLE DAY of show and tell! laugh If you have any pictures of what you’ve been up to, send them to the school admin email and I will add them our class page.


Keep checking our class page as I will post another update later in the week.


Stay safe, be R.R.S superstars and

keep washing your hands!



Miss Fulton







Monday 23rd March


I miss you already! heart

I am so proud of the attitudes you have shown towards what has been happening worldwide over the last few weeks. You were all ready, respectful and safe, showing me that you have already become excellent role models in Year 3.  

Your parents will be trying their very best to ensure you are safe, happy and continuing to learn at home, keep doing what you do best, and be the SUPER STARS you are for them! Today (23.03.20) is the first day of your learning packs, work hard on them over the next two weeks and I look forward to seeing your effort when we return to school. Keep reading, practicing your handwriting and spend some time working on your times tables as well.


Times table websites:




As you are all very keen to get your pen licence certificates this year, try and take this time to practise your handwriting ready for when we return to school. Write out the (SPLAT) words below- remember to spell them correctly too!



Need to burn off some energy?

Joe Wicks is doing daily workouts for children at 9am Monday-Friday. Below is a link to his YouTube channel if you want to take part. 


As well as working hard, enjoy this time with your families, take up a new hobby, read an interesting book or maybe do some cooking or baking! Do the things you LOVE to do. 


Most importantly, stay HAPPY and stay SAFE


I can't wait to see you all again soon!


From Miss Fulton smiley





Hello and welcome to 3F’s class page!


Our class teacher is Miss Fulton and we are very lucky to have two LSA’s in our classroom who are there to help us. They are Mrs Holloway and Mrs Smith.  In 3F we love learning new things which is why you can find lots of our work on our display boards in the classroom and around our school. We all love to read and we do this in our Minion reading corner which is full of interesting books that help us to learn. Sometimes we use iPads so that we can find the information we need during our lessons but we have to remember to be safety smart when we are online. We have lots of different subjects in year 3 such as R.E, Maths, English, Science, Handwriting, Topic, Computing (taught by Mr Kearney), Music and PE. We are also working hard practising our times tables in year 3 because we have a statutory test which takes place at the end of Year 4.

Our topic this term is ‘The World Through Different Eyes’ where we will find out about different artists and their artwork. We are starting our R.E learning this term with ‘In the Beginning’ where we will learn from the book of Genesis. We have a class Mass this term on the 16th of October and we would love all parents to join us if they can.


As we have P.E twice a week we need to make sure that we have our P.E kit so that we don’t miss out on our fun and energetic lessons. We do P.E outside and inside so we need to have the right kit at all times. We can bring our P.E kits in and leave them in school on our peg until half term. Then we can take them home to be washed but we need to remember to bring them back into school again! We have P.E on a Monday and Wednesday.


In Year 3 we have daily reading sessions, where we will study a book and answer questions about it. It is very important that we bring in our reading book and reading record every day. It is also important that we read at home, whether this is with an adult or independently. It is expected that we read for a minimum of 15-20 minutes a night and for an adult to sign our reading record.


Our learning doesn’t stop there! We also get assigned homework each week which relates to what we are doing in class, so it helps us a lot. We get spellings on Friday which we have complete every evening ready for the next Friday when we have a spelling test. On a Friday we will also be given a Reading Eggs and Mathletics activity which needs to be completed by the following Friday. We know our homework is important and we want to make sure it is completed on time and to the best of our ability. Each term we will have an RE homework to complete.


Every day we remind ourselves that we have to go forward together in Christ, are all here to learn and show respect towards each other. We understand that everyone is unique but we have similarities and we celebrate this in our classroom.


In 3F we are always reminded to show that we are ready, respectful and safe so that we can grow together every day. We are looking forward to a very exciting year in 3F.


World Book Day 2020

Science Week

Y3 Prayer Book

Y3 Topic Focus

We've had
2 9 1 6 0 0
Previously we had