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Spring 2 Update

Hi all! 


I hope you've enjoyed being back at school this term and finally getting back into the school routine!


This half term, in English we have been reading books about the environment such as 'The Journey Home' and 'The Tin Forest'. We have been practising using the correct punctuation and adding in lots of descriptive expanded noun phrases to our work which has helped us create some wonderful posters all about recycling. 


In Maths, we have focussed on our place value skills and number bonds to 10,20 and 100. We have been working on addition too, using number lines and dienes to help us! 


During the first week back at school, we celebrated Science Week where we learnt lots about Wangari Maathai an amazing Nobel Peace Price winner. We were inspired by her innovation and planted some of our own plants and even experimented with creating a basic water filter using plastic bottles! The rest of the term, we have been learning about animals and their habitats and have had lots of fun exploring the school grounds searching for minibeasts and microhabitats. 


Our topic has been all about the amazing continent that is Africa! We have learnt about the game reserves, climate and seasons. In particular, we did lots of research around the country Kenya and compared our life in the UK to rural and urban parts of Kenya. 


In P.E, we have been defending, passing and dribbling. We have had lots of fun practising these skills to become more accurate with our passes!


In R.E, we have been celebrating and learning about the period of Lent through to Easter. We have read about the sacrifices Jesus made and practised our acting skills to learn the story of The Last Supper. 


It has been so lovely getting to know your children in class this half term, they have been truly wonderful and I am really looking forward to what the Summer Term has in store for us! I know it has been a bit of a strange year and unfortunately I am yet to meet most of you properly, but please feel free to get in touch for any questions, queries or support that I can give. I am more than happy to help so please don't hesitate to get in contact, you can do this through the school admin email to arrange a phone call.


I hope you have a lovely Easter break and I look forward to seeing you all in the Summer Term!

Miss Walker 

We Are Super Scientists!

Practising Our Place Value and Addition Skills

We've had
2 9 1 4 2 4
Previously we had