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London Roman Mithraeum

Today we had a one off zoom workshop session with the London Roman Mithraeum! We learnt about three ancient Roman spots across London, what they were used for and investigated what artefacts were found there. 

I am an explorer in Europe!

Our next topic will be looking at capital cities in Europe and investigating their human and physical features. This will give us the opportunity to  consolidate all of our Geography skills taught this year!

Meet the Flintstones

Recently we have looked at the Stone Age and the Bronze Age and today we looked at the final time frame in the Neolithic period-The Iron Age. We read and discussed all about tribes in the Iron Age and how they differ to the previous time periods. To show our learning we created an Iron Age poster and evaluated which period we would rather live in and why.


Today in Topic, we learnt lots of fun facts about Stonehenge for example, work began in the late Neolithic Age, around 3000 BC. Over the next thousand years, people made many changes to the monument. The last changes were made in the early Bronze Age, around 1500 BC. After, we created our own Stonehenge model and decorated it with more Stonehenge facts!

Today we explored where the Stone Age sat on a time line, explored facts around the classroom and created our own cave paintings using sand paper and wax crayons!

Our next topic is a trip around Britain in the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages!


Our Wonderful World-North America 

Today we looked at the impact climate change is having on Alaska, specifically the indigenous populations language, homes and food. The children created posters describing the pressures the population face due to changes over time.

During today's lesson we explored physical features of Alaska, created our own key and plotted on points to our own maps.


This term we will be focussing on the continent North America, specifically the state of Alaska!

Tomb Raiders-History Topic

Our topic this term is 'Tomb Raiders' which will focus on the history of the ancient civilisation of Egypt. Stay tuned to see what we get up to!

Visit the UK! Geography Topic 

Today we created our own sketch maps of Holloway, using compass points, a key and human and physical features. Here are the results:


Today we used Atlas's to find countries and cities within Europe. We discussed how the contents and index page could help us and used grid references to find cities in the UK.  

Black History Month Topic 

Over the course of this topic we have been learning the song 'Praise You' by Mary Mary which you can listen to here:


The children have been working hard to learn and understand the meaning of the lyrics. In one of our lessons we used the lyrics of the song to create a piece of art about how the song made us feel. You can see some of the wonderful examples here. 


The World Through Different Eyes: Artist Topic

We have also been comparing the work of Frank Bowling and Hurvin Anderson, another black artist, who also did abstract paintings. We looked at several different images and then did the following work in our topic books. This sadly concludes our Artists topic and the children have thoroughly enjoyed it! They've learnt some new skills and found out about some wonderful Artists. I wonder what our next topic will bring!? 



Today we created our final pieces inspired by Frank's work! Here they are in action being created so take a look...





This week we are seeing the world in technicolour! We studied some paintings by Frank Bowling and then experimented with paints to create patterns, colours and textures that we liked. We are going to use these ideas to create a final piece next week, inspired by Frank's work! Here's Frank and some of our planning ideas...





Next week we will be creating work based on an artist names Frank Bowling and looking at how the different painting techniques he uses to create such beautiful abstract art. 


Based on last lesson, as a class we made large scale silhouettes to hang around our classroom. We chose to do silhouettes of girls and boys, hearts and butterflies to let the art represent our class! 



We explored the artist Kara Walker, who creates silhouettes of people all of different ages, background and ethnicities. The children loved her work and set abut making and drawing their own silhouettes.  


Firstly, we explored shadow puppets and how they can be created. We love reading and traditional tales are very entertaining to retell so we chose the 'Three Little Pigs' as our inspiration and made wolf, house and piggy puppets. They looked great! 

We've had
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Previously we had