Music is a big part of school life at Sacred Heart, both in our set lessons and in the celebration of our faith. Music is taught by a specialist teacher from the EYFS up to 6, using our progression in skills document and topics tailored to the needs of our children. Children have the opportunity to experiment with instruments in a group and independently, specifically in year 2-4 children will be learning the recorder and in UKS2, year 5-6 will be learning the ukulele. As well as this children regularly sing and use their bodies to create rhythm. They also study different types of music and compare them with different songs to support their use of musical vocabulary.
Music is also celebrated through hymn practices, our visits to the Church to celebrate feast days and also our class Masses. We also showcase the children’s talents through our very own talent show ‘Sacred Heart’s Got Talent’. Keep an eye out in the newsletter for information on our next talent show.
The Sacred Heart Choir consists of children in Year 4-6 and we perform at large events each year such as: The Thames Festival, Young Voices at the O2 and charity concerts including the Barnardos concert at the Royal Albert Hall. The choir hold weekly practices on a Friday after school from 3:45-4:45 with Mrs Smith, the Choir Leader, and Miss Palmer, Leader of Music.
Please see below for the websites for these events as well as useful information and different games and songs the children can use.
Singing during Lock down 2020
During such difficult times, we are so proud of our children and all of their talents at Sacred Heart, thank you to Angelo for sending us this beautiful version of the hymn Love Each other we have also been learning in school, thank you for sending such a positive message Angelo!