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Y6 St Josephine Bakhita



Hi and welcome to Spring term in St Josephine.


This term will be studying a range of different units of work in RE, Science, Topic, English, Reading and Maths. You can click on the topics above to see specific lessons we have covered. Here is a break down of the units we will be covering:


Science - We be starting our unit on light, exploring the concept of light travelling in straight lines. We will start by looking at beams of light and how light travels to understand how we see things. This understanding will then be applied to the production of shadows and how light is reflected.


Topic - In Topic we will be starting our unit ‘I am an Explorer of the World’ This is a geography unit that will help us explore The UK, Europe,  North and South America.


In RE, we are beginning our unit on People of Prayer


In English and Reading, Year 6 will be reading and analysing a range of books of differing genres including:


  • Can we save the tiger? by Martin Jenkins and Vicky White
  • Malala: My Story of Standing Up for Girls' Rights by Malala Yousafzai
  • Macbeth by William Shakespeare
  • Tin Forest by Helen Ward by Modicai Gerstein

During the term we will continue to use Google Classroom as homework alongside our usual homework platforms (Mathletics and Reading Eggs). Google Classroom will be used occasionally and the children will know when they have been set work on it.


We will be continuing our weekly spelling competitions (as a class) and continuing with Islington Reading Road map.


We look forward to a very successful term building on all of the great work we did in Autumn.


Welcome to St Josephine

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