Summer Term 2021
During spring term the children were introduced to several new learning experiences: Write Dance, Phonics small group and whole class activities and Class Worship. All of these learning experiences will continue during summer term. We also explored some traditional tales which included The Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Billy Goats Gruff and Jack and the Beanstalk. We sowed some beans in clear containers and watched as the roots and shoots began to sprout.
It was wonderful to see so many children back in school which meant we were able to take part in World Book Day together. Then, the following week when the whole school returned we had Science week so it has been a very busy term. The term finished with Nursery making Easter Bonnets and taking part in an Easter Bonnet Parade. Photos of these events are below.
During the summer term our RE topics will be Easter to Pentecost, which will include The Resurrection and the Ascension and A Virtuous Life, which will look at the parable of The Good Samaritan.
In addition, we will be taking part in a duck hatching programme and will be able to watch as the ducks take part in their first swimming experience. Other topics will include some more growing activities, minibeasts and topics which reflect the children’s interests.
Near the end of term we hope to hold our annual Beach Day in nursery when children have the opportunity to explore sand and water play on a much bigger scale than their usual day to day experiences. More information to follow nearer the time so keep fingers crossed for some good weather.
Once again, thanks to your extreme generosity we are well stocked up on biscuits for the children’s story time at the end of the day so will not need any further donations for quite some time.
Finally, we will continue to change your child’s reading book in school but do ask that they have a school bag in order to be able to do this.
Moving into 2021
Getting ready to celebrate Christmas in school has meant we have had a very busy end to the term. We have been doing lots of Christmas art in the last couple of weeks to take home to celebrate Christmas with our families, as well as learning our songs for the Christmas concert.
We look forward to welcoming you back to Nursery in January for the spring term when we will be starting several new activities:
Write Dance: Every Tuesday afternoon we will go to the hall upstairs where the children will take part in a session of Write Dance in the Early Years. This is a movement-based programme designed to develop children’s gross and fine motor co-ordination. It uses music, rhythm, story, song, rhyme, sensory play and dance to teach the essential skills necessary for handwriting. These skills include: co-ordination; rhythm; wrist strength and flexibility; balance between tension and relaxation; flowing, angular, circular movements; control of speed and direction of movements; control of pressure; concentration. If your child talks about “scrimbling”, this is a word coined for Write Dance and means working on a writing surface using a range of marks and movements.
Class Worship: On Tuesdays and Thursdays the children will take part in Class Worship sessions. This involves them gathering in a circle and taking responsibility for setting out and clearing away resources used to make a prayer focus in the centre of the circle. The children listen to the Word of God and then have an opportunity to reflect on the Word and take away a Mission – something for them to carry out after the Class Worship. Often the Mission involves sharing with their family the story they heard that day, so please do ask your child about Class Worship.
Phonics: We will also be starting small group phonics sessions following the Letters and Sounds programme. This aims to build children’s speaking and listening skills in addition to preparing them for learning to read by developing their phonic knowledge and skills. Activities are divided into seven aspects: environmental sounds, instrumental sounds, body sounds, rhythm and rhyme, alliteration, voice sounds and finally oral blending and segmenting.
We will also cover three RE topics: Being A Sacramental People, Buddhism and From Lent to Easter. Other topics will be child-initiated and will include work on child chosen popular stories which will incorporate the seven areas of Learning and Development which make up the EYFS curriculum.
Thanks to your extreme generosity we are well stocked up on biscuits for the children’s story time at the end of the day so will not need any further donations for quite some time.
From January we will be starting to collect your £1 weekly voluntary contribution that goes towards consumable items such as flour for play dough and other messy/malleable play items. Your contribution helps to keep your child’s nursery well resourced.
Finally, although the weather will be cold at the start of the term, we do encourage all the children to spend some time each day exploring and playing outside so please ensure your child has a warm coat, hat and gloves (clearly labelled with their name). Please also ensure that your child keeps a change of clothes in the nursery and remember to replace this if they are changed during the day.
Farewell to 2020
As we come to the end of a very unusual year, the Nursery Team would like to wish all our children and their families a very Happy and Holy Christmas. We have very much enjoyed getting to know you and your children and we look forward to welcoming them back in 2021. Have a well deserved rest over the holidays and keep safe everyone.
Mrs O'Mahoney
Welcome to Nursery.
We have had a busy start to the term helping the new children to settle in. The children start and finish their day in their designated room – either St Nicholas Class or St Anthony class - but for the rest of the time they have free-flow play throughout the Nursery and the outdoor area.
The staff team in Nursery is made up of two teachers: Mrs O’Mahoney in St Nicholas Class and Miss Palmer in St Anthony Class, with support from four early years practitioners: Mrs Rodney, Miss Carmelina, Miss Troy and Mrs Walsh and our lunchtime supervisor, Mrs McLean. Your child does have their own key person, but as all staff have dealings with all the children, you are welcome to speak with any member of staff regarding any queries or concerns you may have.
We are sorry that we are currently unable to invite you into the classrooms when you arrive in the morning with your child. This would normally be an opportunity for you to take part in a short activity with your child and change their reading book. We will shortly be setting up a system for the children to start taking reading books home. To do this they will need a school bag. A good way for you to be able to share some of the experiences your child has during their day in Nursery is through the photos on the class gallery pages.
Prayer is an important part of our school day and to help your child develop their approach to praying, they will have the opportunity to bring home the class Prayer Bear once or twice a term which they keep overnight and bring back to school the next day. The children are always excited for their turn so it is important that it is returned promptly to ensure everybody gets their turn.
This year in Nursery the children will also have the opportunity to bring the class mascot home for a weekend. Information on the Prayer Bear and class mascot, including COVID 19 precautions, will be sent home before we start these activities.
Please ensure that your child keeps a change of clothes in Nursery and remember to replace them if your child is changed during the day. We have a limited supply of clothes that we can use when necessary and are always grateful for donations of underwear, tights, socks and trousers that your child has grown out of.
The children come together at 3pm to share an afternoon snack and we are very grateful for donations of plain biscuits (digestives or rich tea) to have at this time. If everybody brings in one packet, it should only be necessary to do this once per half term.
Our main focus this term is helping the children to settle in to their new learning environment and become familiar with the daily routines. We will cover three RE topics: Beginnings, The Mission Statement and Advent to Christmas.. Other topics will be child-initiated but will include autumn art, some traditional tales, fireworks art and Remembrance Day.
The Nursery team look forward to getting to know you and your children during the year.