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Summer 1- A Midsummer Night's Dream

After Easter, we are studying Shakespeare's famous play 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'! We are very excited to write some character descriptions and to learn more about Shakespeare!

Spring 2- The Tin Forest


Since returning to school after lockdown, we have been studying the text 'The Tin Forest' for our writing! Over the course of the half term, we have been recapping key skills and using the images from the book to consolidate our knowledge. Following the old man in his adventures, the children have been embedding their use of descriptive language, conjunctions and tenses. 

Spring 1- The Story of Tutankhamun!


In Spring 1, we are going to be writing our own non-chronological report on the Ancient Egyptians! We are going to research what they wore, what they believed, what they ate and how Pharaohs used to live. We're going to include lots of tricky spelling words, conjunctions and expanded noun phrases!


Autumn 2- Black Dog

In Writing this half term, we have really enjoyed Levi Pinfold's book- Black Dog. 

We learnt that facing our fears can be difficult but the more we avoid them the more they take control of us! In this beautifully illustrated picture book, Levi Pinfold conveys this message through a variety of clever metaphors.

One day a black dog appears outside the hope family home. Each member of the family sees it and then they proceed to hide away from it. Each time this happens the black dog gets bigger and bigger until it towers over them. The only member of the family not afraid of the big black dog is the youngest member of the house 'Small'. The dog chases her through the forest, yet Small shows no fear towards the dog and as a result the dog gets smaller and smaller until the dog is back to its normal size.
The family grow to love the dog and it becomes a member of the family.


Using this text, we pretended we were newspaper reports and wrote our very own article based on the Black Dog! We made sure to include inverted commas and a snappy headline!

Autumn 1- Henry's Freedom Box



To celebrate Black History Month, we have been reading 'Henry's Freedom Box.' It is about one of the Underground Railroad's most famous runaway slaves and the ingenious idea he had! In Writing, we wrote a diary entry pretending we were Henry and imagined all of the terrible things he had experienced as a slave in the 1800s.


If you would like to listen to it, please press play on the video below!



Henry's Freedom Box

We've had
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Previously we had