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Our Parish

The school has close links with our parish church The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus in Eden Grove.

Children attend Mass on Holy Days of Obligation that fall in term time, at the beginning of each term, other special occasions and on Sacred Heart feast day. Children from Y1 –Y6 also attend the Wednesday Parish Mass on a rota basis. During other times of the liturgical year children visit the church for Stations of the Cross, the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Eucharistic Adoration, as well as visits that link to the current RE topic.


 Fr Gideon is a regular visitor to the school and leads weekly worship sessions for children in UKS2. Children take part in parish liturgies acting as altar servers and involve themselves in events organised by the parish e.g. Church Nativity Play and Stations of the Cross. The school supports the First Reconciliation and Holy Communion programme in the parish and this special day in the lives of our children is celebrated by both the parish and school communities.

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