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Lent to Easter

Over the past few weeks we have been preparing for Easter. In order to prepare we have been following the 3 main practices of Lent which include fasting, alms giving and prayer. We have each made a really special effort to be good Ambassadors for Christ this Lenten season by following these practices. As part of the practice of fasting some of us have given up things like sweets or crisps, some of us have tried to give up bad habits like complaining. For alms giving many of us have taken on something that allows us to reach out to others with love and care. For example we have tried to include others, reach out and talk to those in class or at play who might feel lonely. We have each prayed together in school in the mornings, at break and lunch and at home time. Many of us have also tried to pray privately more often. As we approach Easter we have been learning about the last week of Jesus' life. We have learned about The Last Supper followed by Jesus' subsequent arrest, crucifixion, death and resurrection. In groups we completed storyboards based on the Gospel of Mark in order to examine carefully the final week of Jesus' life.

Jesus at Prayer 

We know that Jesus himself was Jewish so at the beginning of this term we learned lots about Judaism and Jewish beliefs. We learned lots about the story of The Exodus and the development of the Pesach, or Passover, ritual. We then learned about the way in which the Passover was celebrated in the lifetime of Jesus and how Jews celebrate the Passover now. 

We've had
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Previously we had