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Summer Term 1 UPDATE!

As you will be aware, ALL homework has now been moved over to SEESAW! Each Friday the children will receive Maths and English homework on alternate weeks. Failure to complete the homework set will result in homework club. Spellings and sentences still need to be done daily  and homework books returned on a Friday. Reading records must also be signed at least 3 times a week. 


If there are any problems, or you require any help, please let us know!


Reading Eggs

Reading eggs will be set weekly and log ins are in the reading records. The children will have to read a short text and complete some activities based around what they have read to assess their understanding. 


Mathletics will be set weekly and log ins are in the reading records. Here, the tasks will be based around the content of our lessons in school to support and deepen their understanding of particular mathematical areas. 


When work or homework is set on seesaw you will be notified in their reading records, where their log ins are also stuck in. A homework task on seesaw will provide an opportunity for the children deepen their understanding of what we have covered in class, or apply their knowledge to something new. 


If children are isolating, all work completed at school will be uploaded onto seesaw to be completed at home. We will then be able to like, comment and check in to see if there are any queries. 


Reading Records 

We expect the children to read daily, even if it is just a page! When you have read with them, please ensure it is signed and dated every day as we will check these in school. Children are responsible for changing their own books, but it is helpful if you write this in their record so we can also remind them!


Spellings should be practised daily and a sentence needs to be written for each word so that the children understand the context of the words they are learning. 


Homework Club 

Children will only be sent to homework club if homework has not been attempted. Spellings and sentences must be completed, the reading record signed a minimum of 3 times over the week and the learning on the online platforms must also have been attempted. 


If you know you have not completed it, or are struggling to do so please ensure you tell us before Friday so that we can find you an alternative or offer our help in another way. Sometimes our records do not show completion of activities, therefore, if you know you have attempted it or finished all of it please write a note in the reading record. 


We thank you for your cooperation with this. Homework is there to support and strengthen the children's understanding and compliment what we have achieved so far in school. 


We've had
2 8 8 4 7 8
Previously we had