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Miss Barker Reception

Miss Deamer's 'Welcome to Year 1' Message

Miss Barker's Goodbye Message

Monday 6th July:

This week is Week 13 of our home learning. Please find the Week 13 Pirates Planning below:

This week's story: Pirates Love Underpants!

2d Shapes Song

Rainbow Photo Challenge!

Instead of having a class photo this year, each child at Sacred Heart is invited to send in a photo of themselves wearing the colours of the rainbow. Reception's colour is ORANGE! Please take a photo of yourself wearing orange in front of a white or orange background and send it to with the title 'RB Rainbow Photo'.

Click on the star below to see all of our photos! Miss Barker's & Demilade's orange photos are there already!

Noah's Tales Toolkit Story Writing:

Wow! Noah has written a fantastic story based on the book Tyrannosaurus Drip! I love the describing words you have used!

Charlotte's Tales Toolkit story writing & Money activity:

Well done Charlotte - you have illustrated and written a fantastic dinosaur story! I love how a magic rabbit saved the day! Charlotte also know recognises coins up to 20p and matches the correct number of 1p coins to make the total!

Monday 29th June:

This week is Week 12 of your home learning. The Week 12 pack can be found on the link below:

Reception's Orange Rainbow Challenge! Monday 29th June

Coin Recognition Practice:

Charlotte’s Home Learning:

Charlotte has sent in some fantastic writing today! I especially liked how she used the word ‘because’ to explain why a diplodocus is her favourite dinosaur!

She has also been using some of her play money to recognise and order coins!

Monday 22nd June: Miss Barker's Monday message:

We are on Week 11 of our Learning Packs. You can find it on the link below:

This week's story: Dinosaurs Love Underpants!

Phonics Flashcards Daily Practice: Say the sounds quicker than Miss Barker!

Gregory's Sacred Heart art work:

Gregory has made a beautiful Sacred Heart using aqua-beads. I love that it also had our 3-5-7 on too! Great job Gregory! 

Charlotte's Super Daisy writing:

Charlotte has written a great description of Super Daisy - particularly "smarter than a nurse!" Great job!


Nehemiah's Homework:

Nehemiah has done our Sacred Heart challenge! It looks fantastic! I also love your Super Daisy writing Nehemiah, great job!

Diane's Super Daisy writing:

Diane has included as great description of Super Daisy in her writing: 'stronger than an elephant!'

Great job Diane!

Makbel turns 5 years old!

Makbel had his birthday this week! Happy Birthday Makbel! I love your new bike!

Makbel has also been doing some problem solving and sent us a video in! He used a screwdriver to unscrew his truck to get something stuck inside! 


Still image for this video

Gregory's Home Learning:

Gregory has really enjoyed our superheroes topic so far! I am very impressed with your Grumpy Grapefruit Tales Toolkit story writing! Well done Gregory!

Monday 15th June: Monday message video, Super Daisy learning & the Sacred Heart Feast Day challenge!

We are on Week 10 of our Learning Packs:

Sacred Heart Feast Day Challenge!

Friday is Sacred Heart Feast Day: a very important celebration for our school! To celebrate, we would like you to create a Sacred Heart at home and send it so we can share it in Miss Pipkin's Friday assembly! There are some examples in Miss Barker's video above and Miss Barker has made her own Sacred Heart below!

Send it to with the title 'Sacred Heart Challenge RB'.

This week's superhero book: 'Super Daisy And the Peril of Planet Pea!'

Taking Away 1 with your Fingers!

Taking Away 2 with your Fingers!

Phonics Flashcards Daily Practice: Say the sounds quicker than Miss Barker!

Anna's Home Learning:

Anna has planned and written a Tales Toolkit story about a hero called Ice Girl! Great story Anna!

She's also been learning how to ride her bike without the stabilisers on! Well done!

Zack's Home Learning:

Zack, I love your new superhero: 'Mr Powerful Parsnip'! Great sounding out too! Zack has also been working through a Maths book he has at home! All of Reception are making me SO proud with how hard they are working at home!

Lochlan's Butterflies!

Lochlan has grown caterpillars to butterflies at home! Can you see the cocoons? The butterfly is growing inside!

Lochlan's Home Adventures!

Lochlan has been so busy! He has had his 5th birthday, lost his first tooth, celebrated Dad's birthday, helped the builders build a new sand pit in his garden and celebrated the NHS!

Charlotte's Evil Strawberry!

Charlotte designed and wrote about her new evil character: Evil Strawberry! I can't wait to read your story about what naughty things Evil Strawberry has done! Charlotte also wrote me a lovely letter about what she has been up to! Thankyou Charlotte - it put a huge smile on my face!

Monday 8th June:

Hi Reception B! This week is Week 9 of your Home Learning. Please look at videos below to help you with your learning this week, including a message from Miss Barker, Miss Barker's Tales Toolkit story and a Maths video to help you with finding one more/one less.

Week 9 Home Learning can be found here:

Reggie the Rabbit’s Week!

Reggie has had a bit of a busy week! He made friends with Super Apple and spent time reading a story with him!

But unfortunately, Evil Carrot was causing trouble at Miss Barker’s house!! He scribbled all over a lovely message that Reggie & Super Apple had written to Reception B! And Evil Carrot even let the Evil Peas out of jail that Reggie & Super Carrot had spent lots of time catching! 
There was only one thing to do!.....Reggie & Super Apple put all of the Evil Peas and Evil Carrot into Miss Barker’s freezer! Hooray!

Remember to practice your Phonics sounds with Miss Barker everyday!....

Diane's Home Learning:

Wow! Evil Pea visited Diane's house too! Watch the video below! I can't believe it! Diane has been busy making excellent vegetable superheroes and designed her own 'Frozen Fish Baddies'! Diane also made herself a 'Star-of-the-Month' certificate for learning how to ride a big bike by herself! Well done!!

Gregory’s Home Learning:

Gregory has made some fantastic superhero vegetables!! I especially like ‘Jack the Superhero Broccoli’! Your Evil Pea looks extremely angry too! Fantastic writing Gregory!

Alfie's Home Learning!

Alfie made a great WANTED poster for Evil Pea! I put it up in my kitchen and he hasn't come back yet! Phew!

He also made a Super Carrot who's super power is water! I'd love to see him defeat Evil Pea with water!

Demilade’s Home Learning:

Demilade has been practising writing numbers past 20! Well done! He also wrote Miss Barker a letter to tell me what Evil Pea has been up to!

Ryker’s Home Learning:

Ryker has been very busy at home! He has been practicing counting and numbers to 20, and has made a fantastic flag of the Philippines for his RE work!! Ryker - I love your Super Orange! I hope he can protect my kitchen from Evil Pea!

Sinados’ Evil Pea Poster:

Thankyou for making an excellent Evil Pea poster Sinados! I think that will scare him away from my kitchen!

Anna’s Super Vegetable!

Anna has made an excellent new superhero: Super Cucumber! I hope your superhero can defeat Evil Pea Anna!

Noah’s Evil Pea Writing!

Wow Noah! You’ve described all of the naughty things Evil Pea has done! Great job! I hope it scares him away from my kitchen!!

Nehemiah’s Evil Pea poster:

Thankyou for making an Evil Pea poster Nehemiah! I hope it will scare him away forever!

Charlotte’s Vegetable Superhero Learning:

Charlotte has made a fantastic WANTED posted to scare Evil Pea away! I’ll put it up in my kitchen Charlotte so he doesn’t come back!!

She has also designed what her Super Carrot will look like and has written some excellent labels using her sounds! I love your super-vegetables, they look strong enough to defeat Evil Pea!!

Week 8: Monday 1st June:

Supertato: Evil Pea has been up to mischief at Miss Barker's house!!

OH NO! Miss Barker woke up this morning to find that Evil Pea from the Supertato story has trapped the vegetable superheroes that Miss Barker & Reggie the Rabbit made! He even wrapped up Reggie in loo roll! Please help us scare Evil Pea away by watching the Supertato story below & making WANTED posters this week!


Adults: please find this week's Week 8 Home Learning Pack on the EYFS Class Pages page or using the link below. Please pop into the school office if you would like a paper copy of Week 8, 9 & 10 planning.

I will also be calling you today (Monday 1st June) for a catch up! Look forward to talking to you all!

'Supertato' by Sue Hendra

Phonics Flashcards Daily Practice: Say the sounds quicker than Miss Barker!

Demilade’s Half Term work:

Demilade has carried on practising some maths and writing work during half term. Your new learning packs for Week 8 starts next Monday. Enjoy your half term everybody!xx

Nellie’s letter to all of her friends in Reception B:

We’re all missing each other lots in Reception and Nellie has written a lovely letter to all of us! This put a huge smile on my face Nellie! 

Nellie’s Home Learning:

Nellie has been working so so hard at home! Here is a selection of all of her work! I love your animal egg!

Anna’s Home Learning:

Thankyou for sending in your photos Anna! I heard that you made yummy flapjacks too but they were eaten before a photo could get taken! Anna has also written a lovely letter to Sara in our class! 
If you wrote a letter to one of your friends in class, please email them to admin and I’ll put them on our class page so we can all read them!

Monday 18th May:

Hi Reception! Please watch the video below to find out about this week's Mental Heath Week Challenge! If you send in your video/ photo/ artwork to the admin email address below, with the title 'Mental Health Week Miss Barker', your work will be shown in assembly on Friday, you'll get a 'virtual Kindness Cup' and even a certificate in the post! If you would like to take part, please send it by Thursday at the latest.

I miss you so much Reception and hope to see you very soon!


Reggie's acts of kindness for the Mental Health Week challenge:

Reggie has been showing Miss Barker lots of kindness as she's been busy working on her laptop! He cleaned the kitchen, made the bed, did the washing-up and even made her a coffee! Thankyou Reggie!

How will you be kind this week?

'Share the Love of Sacred Heart' challenge!

Sinados took part in the video challenge too! Look at his video below!

Aaliyah’s Home Learning:

Aaliyah has been practising addition with Mummy at home! Well done Aaliyah!

Abigail's Home Learning:

Abigail has been busy writing prayers, practising her alphabet and making her zoo animal map! Well done Abigail!

Gregory's Home Learning:

Wow! Gregory looks as though he has been super busy at home working through all of our fun learning activities! It looks as though his older sister Lucy as joined in too! Fantastic writing, maths and RE Gregory! It looks as though you're an excellent baker too!

Ryker's RE Home Learning:

Ryker made a fantastic kite to fly outside to remember the Ascension of Jesus, when He returned to Heaven to be with God!

'Share the Love of Sacred Heart' challenge!

Nehemiah & Ryker took part in the video challenge too! Look at their videos below! Look out for the finished video tomorrow where your videos will be added!

'Share the Love of Sacred Heart' challenge!

Reception B - I have a challenge for you! The staff at school made a 'Share the Love of Sacred Heart' video (link below), passing a heart to each other with the words written inside the heart. We would love to make the video even longer by adding our children to it too! Diego has made a video below! Please take part if you can by sending your video to byt Thursday at the latest. I can't wait to see you in the new video which will be shared on Friday!


You can find Miss Barker's Monday message (11th May) below too!

'Share the Love of Sacred Heart' staff video:

Monday 11th May: Miss Barker's Monday Message & Story Time

London Zoo Thankyou Letter: the zoo animals have been found!

Miss Palmer explains addition by counting on:

'Rumble in the Jungle' book for this week's learning:

Reggie the Rabbit update: Monday 11th May:

Reggie has been super helpful this week! He has been making Miss Barker cups of tea whilst she works on Reception's achievement books and remembered to water her plants (Miss Barker sometimes forgets)! He also made her favourite dessert, Eton Mess, whilst spelling out a lovely message to you all with the ingredients! I love it when Reggie is kind and thoughtful!

Alfie's Home Learning:

Wow! Alfie looks as though he was so busy last week! He has been doubling numbers, writing a lovely prayer of thanks for his hamster, telling and writing a Tales Toolkit story about a bear and a dinosaur, and helped London Zoo out with his poster and map!

Nellie's VE Day Celebrations:

Nellie was busy this week making bunting for VE Day on Bank Holiday Friday, when we celebrated 75 years since the end of World War II in Europe. It looks great Nellie! I hope you had fun celebrating! I had tea and cake as I listened to the Queen's speech!

Nehemiah's Zoo Animal Home Learning:

Nehemiah made a fantastic poster and map about the escaped zoo animals! He thinks they ran all the way to Regent's Park!

Demilade's Zoo Animal Map!

Demilade thinks the animals ran to Tufnell Park and past his house!

Ryker's Home Learning:

Ryker has sent in a video of him telling a Tales Toolkit story about how the keepers at London Zoo got back the zoo animals! He has also been busy creating an animal cage for his lion, making a zoo animal map and coutning and matching to numbers. 

Anna's Zoo Animal Home Learning:

Anna has been getting very creative at home: making a junk model bug house for her butterfly potato! She wrote a letter to warn me about the zoo animals and even thinks that the zoo animals ran to the moon on her map!!! Great job Anna!

Diego’s Zoo Animal Map:

Diego thinks that the zoo animals ran to a Secret Garden! Oooh, I didn’t think of that one! Fantastic map Diego, I hope it helps London Zoo find the animals!

Ryker's Warning poster & letter:

Ryker has made an excellent poster to warn everyone about the escaped zoo animals! Ryker wrote his letter to me, Miss Barker, to check I am safe! Thankyou Ryker!

Charlotte's WARNING poster and letter!

Charlotte has been working hard on her poster to warn people about those naughty zoo animals! She has written a letter to Miss Edwards to make sure she's safe!

Demilade's WARNING letter:

Demilade has written a letter to warn Miss Katie to watch out for the zoo animals on the loose! Which member of staff will you write your letters to? 

Noah reads us a story:

Noah has made us all a fantastic video of him reading his favourite reading book! Brilliant reading Noah! I'm so glad you are practicing everyday!

Monday 4th May:

Miss Barker's Monday Message & Zoo Animal Map

CCTV Zoo Animal Escape!

I can't believe it Reception! Mr Watts our caretaker sent this video to me and Miss Palmer! Zoo animals have been spotted running through our playground! Watch it below!

Sacred Heart CCTV: Zoo animals caught live!

London Zoo needs our help!

Read the letter we received from London Zoo. On Wednesday 6th May, we need you to help London Zoo out by drawing a map of where you think the zoo animals ran to! Watch Miss Barker's video above to see where she thinks they ran to!

Reggie the Rabbit update: 4th May:

Thankfully, Reggie the Rabbit has been MUCH better behaved last week! He's been getting on with his learning. He helped Miss Barker make a poster to warn people in school to watch out for the zoo animals on the loose! Can you make a poster too? He also used Tales Toolkit to make up a story about how the zoo animals escaped (Reggie thinks it was a naughty goat that bashed the lock to let the animals out!!) Reggie also read his favourite book: Mr Wolf and the Enormous Turnip! Miss Barker promises to read this to you in next week's Monday message! 

Fingers crossed that Reggie keeps behaving himself for Miss Barker!

EYFS Curriculum Page Link:

Use the link below to take you to our EYFS Curriculum page where you will find useful websites, videos we use in class, resources and home learning ideas to meet all 7 areas of the Early Years Curriculum! You will also find photos of our learning plus lots of tips & guides for parents/carers.

NHS Poster Challenge:

What beautiful NHS rainbows I have seen so far! If you have made an NHS poster, please send a photo to

Ryker's Home Maths!

Ryker has been playing board games to practice adding 2 numbers together quickly! What a fun way to practice Ryker!

Ryker's Maths Board Game

Charlotte's Home Learning: 

Charlotte has been getting very creative with Mum! They made watches to explore time! Please make me one Charlotte!

Monday 27th April:



Demilade's Home Learning:

Demilade sent me this wonderful video this morning of his Tales Toolkit story about a monster trying to eat a koala bear! It really made me laugh! Demilade also wrote Mum a shopping list - how helpful! You certainly are more helpful than Reggie the Rabbit at the moment!

Demilade's Tales Toolkit Story!

Miss Barker's Monday message & Maths doubling explanation:

Reggie the Rabbit has been getting up to mischief at Miss Barker's house! (27.04.20)

Can you believe how naughty Reggie has been?! On Thursday he woke me up really early in the morning playing the guitar! On Friday, I caught him climbing up my cactus plant! On Saturday, I found him making flour paw prints all over my kitchen surfaces! And on Sunday, I caught him getting all of my nail varnishes out my the drawers. Luckily he didn't get any on his fur!

I really hope Reggie's going to behave himself this week just like you all are at home! I'll keep you updated!

Diane's Shop Role-Play:

Diane created a shop at home to learn about money! She created her own shop labels and it looks like her little sister joined in too! I wish I could visit your shop Diane!

Anna's Home Learning:

It was lovely to see your photos Anna! Anna has been busy writing Tales Toolkit stories, doing Maths activities and has even written a beautiful prayer for us all to read. I wish it would go away too Anna so we could all go back to school and see each other!!


Reception, remember to send in your videos of your Tales Toolkit stories or your photos of your home learning or NHS posters to Everytime Miss Barker gets one of your emails, it makes her smile and brightens up her day!! Let me know if you would like it shared on our website or if it's just for Miss Barker to look at!

Ryker's Home Learning:

28th April UPDATE: Ryker has sent even more photos! Brilliant toy writing and doubling Ryker!


Wow Ryker, you have been so busy! Ryker has been playing Subtraction Skittles, drawing number lines in chalk, practicing money in his own Toy Shop and has sent a brilliant video of his Spiderman story for us all to watch! I really enjoyed it!

Ryker's Spiderman Story!

Diane's Tales Toolkit story:

Diane has filmed her own story, just like Miss Barker did! It's about a cheeky, greedy monkey in the jungle! I loved watching your video Diane, it made me laugh! Keep up the great work!

Diane's Tales Toolkit story!

Zack's Home Learning:

I loved seeing your photos of your learning Zack! You have been busy writing and making wonderful NHS rainbow posters to display in your windows! Well done! Keep up the good work!

Tales Toolkit Explanation

Messages from Miss Edwards, Miss Katie & Miss Fennell: (23rd March)

Here are some special video messages from our lovely support staff who have worked in Reception B this year! We miss you Reception!! x

Reggie the Rabbit at Miss Barker’s house!

22nd April:

Reggie has been making himself very welcome at my house! He’s helped me stick your work into your special books, he made some delicious cookies and then even had a bubble bath!!

He also helped Miss Barker stick up her NHS rainbow poster in her window! If you have made an NHS rainbow, please send a photo to the admin email address!

Diane’s Home Learning:

Diane looks like she’s been very busy at home! She’s been drawing, making, writing, counting & ordering numbers, watching Alix the librarian reading stories & baking with Dad! I wish I was there to taste the treats you made!

Charlotte’s Home Learning:

Charlotte has been very busy at home writing a story! She has followed the Tales Toolkit pattern of character, setting, problem & solution! Click on the images below to read it too! Fantastic job Charlotte! I really enjoyed reading your story!

Monday 20th April:

Miss Barker's message to Reception B children!

Miss Barker's message to parents/carers

NHS poster & Home Learning challenges:


Charlotte emailed me a photo of her wonderful NHS poster and it gave me the idea of setting you all the challenge to do the same! Please email your NHS poster photos to the address below and I will upload your photo too!


In the video above, I also asked you to email me photos of your home learning so we can all see each other! I can't wait to see them all and I promise Miss Barker will also upload some photos too!


Email to: with Reception B or Miss Barker in the title.

Reggie the Rabbit update (20th April):

I popped into school today and found Reggie the Rabbit had been very busy over the Easter holidays! See the photos below!

Reggie has been in class for quite a long time on his own and I was a bit worried that he might be getting lonely. So . . . Miss Barker has taken him home to her house to keep him company! Keep checking our class page to see what Miss Barker & Reggie get up to!

Friday 3rd April:
Hi Reception B!
I popped into class today and I caught Reggie the Rabbit peeking into Miss Palmer’s class!...........
Next thing I knew, he was having a lovely time hanging out in RP’s Great Kapok Tree with the jungle animals we made!......

We were having lots of fun with our Dear Zoo topic and most of us were able to meet the real zoo animals that visited our class a couple of weeks ago! But since we can’t be at school now, why don’t you watch some real zoo animals at Chester Zoo today?! You can watch it live from 10am today or catch up with last weeks zoo animal video here:

I also caught Reggie taking off Day 33 from our Lent countdown calendar! Can you work out how many more days left until Easter Sunday? (Remember we don’t count Sunday’s!)........

Today would have been our last day at school before the Easter holidays!


If you would like some fun, active things to do together, the following website has some great ideas for family yoga & workout sessions, story times with famous authors & lots more!


But please take the time to have a lovely rest at home, take a break from your homework packs and enjoy time with your families for the next 2 weeks!

I miss you! Speak to you very soon!
Love, Miss Barker xx

Monday 30th March:

Hi Reception B!

I hope you are all having a lovely time with your families at home and staying safe!

We really, really miss seeing you everyday and cannot wait until you’re back at school for a big hug!
Keep doing your homework packs & showing your families how amazing you are at reading books on the Oxford Owl website!

Here’s some of our favourite songs we sing in class - CHALLENGE: Can you teach your adults at home the songs and make them perform them with you?! 
Phonics Phase 3 songs:
Teen Numbers:
Count to 20 song:

Miss Barker & Miss Katie have been coming to school to check on our classroom and guess what?!............
Reggie the Rabbit looks like he’s doing a fantastic job at keeping busy in our classroom & keeping it clean and tidy for when we get back!
Scroll down to see what he’s been up to!

Lots of love,

Miss Barker xxx

(30.03.2020) Reggie the Rabbit has been busy in our classroom! What will he do next I wonder?!

Monday 23rd March:


Dear Reception B children,


Reggie the Rabbit just wanted to send you a message to say that Miss Barker, Miss Katie & Miss Fennell miss you so very much!!


You are all Miss Barker's special superstars and I am SO proud of you all!


I know you will have lots of fun at home with your families and please remember to teach Phonics & Numbers to your adults at home (I think they need some help) laugh


Have fun doing the special activities I sent home for you to do and I can't wait to hear about everything you've been doing at home very soon! Remember to keep washing those hands!


And don't worry, Reggie the Rabbit has got lots of carrots to eat while we are away! Let's hope he behaves himself!!


Love, Miss Barker xx

Hello and welcome to Reception B! The class teacher is Miss Barker and the Learning Support Assistants in our class are Miss Edwards and Mrs Fennell. Although there are two separate Reception classes, we work as a whole unit and share the indoor classrooms and Reception outdoor area during free flow learning time. Therefore children in Reception B will also learn alongside Miss Palmer and Mrs Walsh from the other Reception class.


We are very lucky to have wonderful classroom environments, full of areas to cover the entire EYFS curriculum during child-initiated learning. In the Reception B classroom is the Writing Area, a Book Corner, an RE Area, the Home Corner, Water Area Block Area and Small World resources. We also get to use Reception P’s classroom during our free flow time which has an Imagination Shop role play area, a Tinkering Table, Sand Pit, Maths Area and a large Creative Area. At lunchtime, we get to play in the big front playground with the KS1 children!


During the beginning of the Autumn term, we will be settling into Reception and getting to know our new friends and adults in our class. In Autumn 1 we cover the ‘Ourselves’ topic where we learn about each other and our families. After half term, we cover a topic chosen by the children before our Noel topic to prepare for Christmas!

In RE, we start with ‘In the Beginning’ where we learn about the Creation story. After half term, we will learn about Our Mission Statement before covering our Advent to Christmas topic.

We will begin teaching Phase 2 Phonics sounds during Phonics time at the end of September when the children are fully settled. Reading homework will begin at the beginning of October: the children will bring home a Sound Book to practice the sound taught that day and will have pages to read in their reading book every night. Monthly Maths activities will be given at the start of every month for you to engage with practical Maths at home with your child. Please look out for a parent information session on how you can help your child at home early on in the Autumn term.   


Please keep checking this page for photos and information on what we have been getting up to in class this term!

We've had
2 8 5 8 3 8
Previously we had