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Summer 1- Rocks & Soils



Our next topic in Science is rocks and soils! Here are the objectives we aim to meet by way of practical investigation and research into different types of rock and how fossils and soil are formed!

-Compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties

-Describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock

-Recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter


Spring 1 and 2- Forces & Magnets


In the Spring term, we learnt all about forces and magnets. We looked at pushes, pulls and friction and how different surfaces impact this. We also had discovered that most forces need contact however magnets do not- a magnetic force can act at a distance! As well as this, we successfully identified magnetic objects in the classrooms and even created a magnetic maze!




Autumn 2- Plants


This half term, we have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about plants!

We identified and described the functions of different parts of flowering and conducted a fair text experiment to explore the requirements of plants for life and growth. We had 3 cress plants- one was watered with lemonade, one with orange juice and one with water. We observed the changes over 2 weeks and conducted that plants need water to live and grow.


As well as this investigation, we also did a fair test experiment to find out how water is transported within plants. We had two flowers and put them into water with blue food-dye. Our results showed that water is transported through the stem! We couldn't believe that our flowers had turned blue!



Autumn 1- Light!


This half term, we have been learning all about light! We have really enjoyed exploring with the torches and discovering that light travels in straight lines.  We have also discovered that the best reflectors of light are smooth and shiny like mirrors and glass. 


We've had
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Previously we had