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Summer Term 2

Today we learnt how to aim the ball and throw it at the batter, how to stand and hold the bat and what the job of a fielder is.


This term we are learning to play cricket!

Summer Term 1

Today we focussed on a range of skills from sipping, throwing bean bags and coits and the javelins! This concluded the end of our Athletics topic and we we will be building on the new skills next term!


Today we practised our balancing when learnt how to hurdle! We started with markers on the floor and practised jumping from point to point. Once we became more confident we replaced markers with hurdles!

Today we started our Athletics unit and assessed what skills we were good at already! We did some small relays and tested our balances and how we can move from space to space in different ways. 


Today we finished our handball lessons and will begin a new skill next week! Today we finally put all of skills into practise and played some mini games, attacking and defending our goals!

Our second session today saw us focus on our throwing and introducing an over arm pass. We also began to look at the three second hold and 3 step rule as part of a game. We practised with each other holding and passing until we were confident of the rules. Well done everyone!


Today, as part of their 2 hour PE slot, the children enjoyed some traditional English dancing in the form of Morris Dancing. Their one hour workshop was very interesting and the children enjoyed participating and learning some routines! Take a look at us in action below!

We are starting the term with Handball and practised our underarm and chest bounce passes today!

This term we will be studying Handball and Athletics. Have a look at our knowledge organiser below for more information about our skills and objectives we will cover!

Spring 1 and 2

This afternoon, we focussed on a variety of rolls and practised putting them into a routine alongside our balances from last week.


Today we looked at static balances and tried to hold our position for more than 3 seconds! Initially, our balances were all on our feet and then we progressed to using other parts of our body such as, our hands, back and shoulders. We took it in turns to create various balances on different apparatus and linked the movements together in a variety of ways. Great effort Year 3!



Today we explored different balances and shapes in our gymnastics lesson. We learnt how to do a straddle sit, tucked v, extended v and a dish shape. We then thought of ways we could link the balances together by moving between them by hopping, skipping or jumping. In small groups we created a short routine and performed it to the class.


This term our focus will be on gymnastics. You can take a look at our knowledge organiser here!

Autumn 2


Today we had our first Arsenal coaching session. The children were learning to work collaboratively and competitively in a variety of carousel activities. 




During today's lesson we revisited how we bowl underarm and how to make it go in the direction that we want it to! We then also graduated from using tennis rackets to using rounders bats to bowl and bat with our partners. 


Today we learnt about the role of a fielder and how to throw and catch and catch a ball. We worked in pairs to gradually increase our distance apart to see how well we could catch the ball. 



This term we will be splitting our P.E. sessions. One will be spent with the Arsenal coaches, whilst the second will be taken by the teachers, teaching the children rounders. 


Autumn 1 

This term we are doing our P.E. sessions on a Thursday afternoon. We split our slot into two parts. 


Firstly, we do an aerobic session to get the blood pumping! This includes a mixture of activities, such as, hopping, squatting, burpees, lunges, skipping, planking and much much more! We are focussing really hard on our technique to make sure we have the best work out. To challenge ourselves, we have been setting time limits to complete our reps and have been competing against our own personal bests and a partners. Keep up the super effort!


Our second session focusses on our core strength in the form of yoga. We have bee trying to maintain our posture and balance as we move through various positions. Check out some of our poses below! 




We've had
2 8 8 2 7 4
Previously we had