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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!


Our class Saints are:

Year 3 Parent Presentation

All of our latest curriculum updates will now be posted on our Instagram page.

Please follow us on @sacredheartn7 to see all of the exciting things we get up to!


Our PE days this half term are on Monday and Wednesdays. The children should arrive at school wearing a full PE kit : White t-shirt, blue tracksuit bottoms or shorts and comfortable trainers.


Home reading - The expectation in Year 3 is that your child must read every day. This must be recorded in their reading record by writing a comment to say which pages were read and a signature. Reading should be completed at least once over the weekend period (Friday - Sunday) and every day Monday to Thursday.



  • Set on Fridays (except for the last week of every half term)
  • Due in the following Friday
  • Five spellings per week
  • Write a sentence for each spelling word

Please practice the spellings each day as there will be a spelling test on Fridays to see how well each child has remembered their spellings.

Seesaw *Download the free seesaw app on your device*

  • Set on Fridays (except for the last week of every half term)
  • Due in the following Friday
  • Maths (every week)
  • English (every other week)

Homework via seesaw is usually in the form of a game designed to build on what we are learning in class. Your child’s seesaw login can be found at the back of their reading record.


Homework Club - If reading is not completed on 3 or more days, or spelling/Seesaw homework is incomplete, your child will need to miss part of their lunch time play on Friday to attend homework club.

We've had
2 9 1 4 2 7
Previously we had