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Spring Term


Year 4 have done lots of amazing Maths work, both on Seesaw and in class this term. During online learning we first practiced our multiplication and  division. We learned a variety of written methods for multiplying and dividing 2 and 3 digits by 1 digit. We then learned about the area of shapes by counting squares. This allowed us to then make shapes with a certain area, as well as, compare the area of various shapes. 


We then started fractions and continued this learning once we got back to school. We found equivalent fractions using paper. We learned that fractions can have a different appearances  but can actually be the same size! We have also learned how to add and subtract fractions. 

Length and Perimeter


We have found the length of different things in our classroom and have converted millimeters, centimeters, meters and even kilometers! In our lessons, we have also been doing some REAL LIFE MATHS and found out that it is 1.7km from school to Cally Pool! We have found the perimeter of lots of shapes including rectilinear shapes and we found the perimeter of shapes on a grid!

Length and Perimeter

Multiplication and Division


This term (Autumn 2), we have been working on our times tables. We have multiplied and divided by 0, 1, 10, 100 and even 1,000! We have become array masters, using them to further our understanding of our times tables. 

Multiplication and Division

Times tables

Every morning during our Morning Maths sessions, we practise our times tables. We are getting quicker each time. Having a quick recall is important in Year 4 as we are working towards our times tables test at the end of this school year! 


Want to practice at home?

Place Value

Our first topic this year was place value. We have identified thousands, hundreds, tens and ones and are able to order 4-digit numbers. During this topic we have also been identifying missing thousands on a number line up to 10,000! We have identified Roman numerals and negative numbers too! During our lessons we focus on fluency, problem solving and reasoning style questions which you can see in our slideshow!


Roman Numerals

Sing our song about Roman numerals!

Place Value

We've had
2 9 2 7 1 2
Previously we had