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Y4P Mrs Price

Send any photos/videos/messages to:

Goodbye for now

6.7.2020 - Hello!

Quick hello and reminder of our challenges! Please remember to send your 'rainbow' photo into the admin email address - our colour is PINK!

29.06.2020 - Hello!

My 'PINK' picture for the rainbow challenge!

# Day 23 - Discover your creative side - draw a thank you card for someone.


Dear Year 4P,


Thank you all so much for continuing to make me smile throughout our time at home. I have really loved talking to you all on the phone, hearing about your adventures and seeing some of your work which you have sent into me!

Please stay safe and keep well and I will see you all very soon!



Mrs Price


22 June 2020 - Hello


Sacred Heart Feast Day reminds us that we are called to the fullness of life through the love of Jesus.

I hope you have all been able to celebrate today and I hope you have all had a wonderful day.


What does Sacred Heart mean to you?

Hello! Monday 15th June

Addition help

Subtraction help

Animated Grammar Guides: Determiners

Hello and some help with week 9 in your learning packs!


I cannot believe that we are already on week 9 of our learning packs! I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe and continuing to work hard.

This video goes through some ideas to keep you entertained this week and also offers some guidance with Maths - which lots of you (when I spoke to you) asked for a little more guidance - so here you go!


Lots of love,

Mrs Price x


Hello and Week 8 Learning Pack guidance

Hello Year 4P!

Oh, how I am missing you all! I hope you are all well and keeping safe!

This weeks video goes through the learning packs and offers some guidance in Maths.

Please check out the YouTube videos below for more help.

Please keep sending in your messages/pictures/updates into the admin email, which is above.

Stay well and keep safe!

Mrs Price

Rounding Numbers Song | Nearest 10 & 100 Rap

Week 8 - Maths help

Rounding to the Nearest Ten

Week 8 - Day 1 - Maths help

Hello and help with week 7 learning packs and singing challenge!

Hello Year 4P! I hope you are all well and keeping safe.

This weeks video offers some guidance on reading at home and a singing challenge!

Below are some BBC links for story writing and apostrophes, which you might find helpful:

In the video, I talk about this week being 'Mental Heath Week', something which Miss Pipkin talked about in her assembly on Friday. If you send in a video/ photo/ artwork to the admin email address below, with the title 'Mental Health Week Mrs Price', your work will be shown in assembly on Friday, you'll get a 'virtual Kindness Cup' and even a certificate in the post! If you would like to take part, please send it by Thursday at the latest.

I cannot wait to see you all!

Mrs Price x

Hello and help with week 6 Learning Packs

The Gruffalo

Story Time with me!

2.6 challenge

New learning packs and challenge!

Hello! Please see video below, which is all about my week, new learning packs, a new challenge and me trying not to get too distracted from my rainbow background!

Please remember to email any videos or pictures, so I can put some more of your lovely faces (and work) on our page!

Miss you all!

See you soon!!

Love Mrs Price x

Creativity and Maths!

Hello Year 4P! I hope you are all well and still smiling. This weeks video includes some activities that Charlie and I have been getting up to, an update on our class plant and some help with your Maths learning this week.

Please get in touch with anything and everything you have been getting up to! As well as photos of your robot, I have an extra challenge for you! Please recreate a famous movie scene. You may want to take a picture of your chosen scene or send in a short clip! Good luck!

I can't wait to hear from you!

Mrs Price x

Our contribution to thank the NHS

Chocolate Banana Cake

Still image for this video
We made chocolate banana cake - I think it was a hit?

Hello and Challenge Time!

Hello everyone! I hope you are all well and have enjoyed your Easter break. Below is a message from myself and my family and I have set you a different challenge this week! Check it out and keep safe!

The answer to our last riddle was: A CLOCK! Did you get it right?

Please remember to send any pictures or videos of your attempt of the new challenge into: and I will put these onto our class page!

A message from Ms Locci

Still image for this video

The Lion King - Lyceum! ((c) Alex Brenner, Eastside - Disney Musicals in Schools 2020 @ Lyceum)

Hello from Mrs Price and Charlie!

Still image for this video
Please remember to send any pictures or videos of your home learning/cooking/creations etc into: and I will put these onto our class page!

Hello Year 4P!


I miss you all so much! Charlie also misses hearing about you all when I come home from work!




How are you all? Are you keeping busy? laugh


I know all of you will be working hard on your home learning packs but I hope you are also taking time to relax, read lots and be creative! I am hoping that when we get back you will have lots of pictures, stories, play scripts and yummy cakes for me to look at and eat!!


I currently have a tent in my front room! Which Charlie has enjoyed playing in and taking naps in...



Please keep safe and continue spending lots of quality time with your families!


The answer to our last riddle was, 'C'...did you get it right?


Our next riddle is:


What has hands but doesn't clap?



Y4 Prayer Book

Y4 Topic Focus

We've had
2 9 1 6 0 1
Previously we had