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Y1S Miss Spillman

Thank you message to 1S parents: Wow, I can't believe I'm writing a goodbye message to you all today. What a year! Although it was cut short, I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to teach all of your wonderful children. They really are so incredible and I'm so very proud of them all. I am especially proud of the caring, lovely nature that they have which is a credit to you as parents. Thank you so much for all the support and chats through the year and for the amazing work you've done as teachers yourselves during lockdown. It's been so special to get the photographs and videos through which honestly did put a smile on my face each time- so thank you! It'll be so strange to see you going to a different door in the mornings but please know that I'm always here for your family regardless of the class your child is in. I know they're in great hands with Miss Connolly and that they'll have a wonderful time in Year 2. Thanks once again for everything and I hope you have a lovely summer. See you in September! Lots of love xxx

Thank you message to 1S children- Please scroll down to see my special video for  my superstar class!

Miss Spillman and Gerald's special goodbye video for 1S :)

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What a special picture to receive! Anaiya kept her sticker safe from our very first day in 1S and while making her memory book told me all about it and I asked her to send a picture- what a wonderful memory and what a wonderful year! I also love your safe poster Anaiya :)

Here's another 1S superstar creating her Year 1 memory book! I'm so proud of you Melanie, this is such a special book that you can keep and use to look back on our wonderful year forever!

Wow Greta! This poster should be used all over the's amazing! I'm so proud of you :)

Viola has been busy this week creating her Year 1 memory book. I'm sure you're going to love having this special book to keep and look back on Viola- what a fantastic year we've had!

Monday 6th July

Miss Spillman and a happy Gerald talk you through your learning packs as usual :) Don't forget to send your YELLOW photograph to

Friday 3rd July


Hello my lovely 1S! It's been lovely seeing some of you again this week and speaking to lots of you on the phone too. I loved hearing some of you read your own, 'If I built a school' stories to me- we have some amazing authors in 1S and I think the schools sound so much fun!


I've received some fantastic pictures again this week- scroll down to see what Phoebe, Tymon, Albie and Niyah have been up to!


Have a lovely weekend and remember to send in your photograph wearing something yellow to the admin email for our whole school rainbow pictures- I've heard lots of you have already, well done superstars :) 

I absolutely LOVE this piece of art work that Phoebe has just sent me. She has used different materials to create herself and me, Miss Spillman! I really love the sparkly shoes, pretty dresses and sparkly sunshine! What a creative, superstar artist you are!

Tymon made Mrs Price very proud in his bubble today- so proud that she had to email Miss Spillman straight away to show the amazing piece of work he has done! Well done Tymon, I love how you have chosen my favourite quote from Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

Albie also worked hard on our special lesson about Dr Martin Luther King Jr and created this thoughtful poster. I'm so impressed Albie, well done :)

Niyah created this 3D heart and told me that she made it because she loves school so much! She can't wait for school to be on everyday again :) It's such a lovely thing to hear Niyah and I'm so proud of you!

Tuesday 30th June: News of the week from our 1S bubble...The tooth fairy has been kept very busy by the children of 1S!

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Monday 30th June

Miss Spillman and Gerald talk you through another week of learning and set you a YELLOW picture challenge! Remember to use the links below the video to help you with your learning too :)

Anaiya designed a 'heart for Sacred Heart' to express how much she is missing everyone at school- we miss you so much too Anaiya! What a beautiful idea, so proud of you :)

Thursday 25th June: Hello my wonderful 1S! I hope you're enjoying the sunshine and having a lovely week. It was so lovely to talk to lots of you on the phone yesterday and to see some of you on Tuesday too!

Below you'll find a positivity challenge 1S did together and Greta's latest amazing pictures too! 


Greta's amazing home learning: A plant hunt with Viola- well done super girls! Her ideal garden model (amazing!) and her amazing Victorian school poster- what fantastic writing! So very proud of you Greta!

Positivity challenge 11

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1S bubble decided to spread positivity. We created chalk outlines of eachother and then reminded our friend of why they are special! What a lovely activity it was :) Why not try it with your family at home?!

If you want to try more of the challenges- look at the picture below.

Positivity challenge ideas

Monday 22nd June

Miss Spillman and a cheeky Gerald talk you through week 11 of your learning packs :)

Use the links below the video to help you with your learning this week- There's lots of fun videos and games for you to enjoy!

Noah it put a huge smile on my face seeing pictures of you this weekend! Thank you for sending in your amazing work, I especially love seeing your map skills in action labeling the four countries of the United Kingdom. I'm so proud of you superstar, keep it up!

Wow Melanie- you have been such a busy girl! I am so impressed with your AMAZING model school and SUPER writing. You've also done some amazing Science and cooking too- what super star you are! I'm so proud :)

Thursday 18th June: Good morning everyone! I'm feeling like such a lucky teacher this week after being able to see some of you in school on Tuesday and being able to talk to you if you weren't in school on the phone yesterday too. I'm so proud of all of you, you make me burst with pride! 


On Tuesday, the children who were in not only gave you a special message but also helped Miss Spillman do this week's story time. Scroll down to see the videos below!


You can also see more pictures of wonderful learning taking place this week- thank you to Melanie and Viola for sending in your super pictures, scroll down to see them :) 

Missing you all so much and sending you the biggest hugs ever! Miss Spillman x 

Story time with Miss Spillman and some of the children in 1S

We read the story that we have read in class 'Martin's big words'. Do you remember the dream clouds that we created in English after we read this story? They're still hanging in our classroom and it reminds me of how special you all are- what beautiful dreams you have! Even though this story talks about things in the past (History), the words of Dr Martin Luther King Jr which the children in 1S say, are still so very important today- now more than ever! I hope you enjoy it and thank you to Diana, Ted, Marissa, Maizy, Niyah, Ruby, Tommy and Quitterie for your super help!

Melanie has been a superstar big sister and has been enjoying her learning pack too. I love seeing you doing your reading comprehension Melanie- what a superstar you are!

Viola has been a busy bee doing lots of fantastic activities. She created a special poster as it's Sacred Heart Feast day tomorrow- why not have a go at creating one too? She also created an amazing garden for her Science this week- I really love the pompom plants, they're so bright and make me feel very happy! Keep up the amazing work Viola :)

Tuesday 16th June: Today some of our wonderful 1S came back to school! We had a lovely day but we missed our classmates who are staying at home so we wanted to give you a special message...WE MISS YOU! Lots of love from Ted, Niyah, Quitterie, Tommy, Ruby, Maizy, Diana, Marissa, Miss Spillman, Mrs Durgaj and Ms Aster x x

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Monday 15th June

Week 10 explained by Miss Spillman and Gerald

Thursday 11th June- Ralph the music man! Wowee look at this- the coolest guitar ever :) I'm SO impressed with your Music lesson work Ralph- well done superstar!

Wednesday 10th June- Hello my superstars! I LOVED talking to lots of you again on the phone yesterday and hearing all of the lovely things you have been doing at home with your families. It makes me so proud when I hear that you're enjoying your learning packs and doing lots of fun things too.


Thank you to lots of you for then sending me pictures of what you've been doing- it makes me smile so much whenever you do, so please keep sending them in to


Scroll down to see Niyah's incredible junk modelling, Ralph and Tymon's super plant hunts and Anaiya's own Saint Louis' arch just like Iggy Peck!


Keep scrolling if you missed Miss Spillman's Monday message and learning pack help too :) 

Niyah what can I say- your amazing plan has turned into an amazing model! Wow! So very proud of you, my super creative girl!

Look at Ralph our super scientist on his plant hunt! It looks like you found so many different types of plant- I'm so so impressed! I also love the look of your pictionary game, I bet you were fantastic at this Ralph :)

Anaiya was inspired by our story, Iggy Peck architect and created her very own St Louis arch, just like Iggy Peck! I have included a picture from the story and the real arch too so you can see just how amazingly Anaiya did! Well done superstar :)

Tymon also has been a super scientist and has been on a plant hunt- look at all the different leaves he found to help him work out the different plants- fantastic work Tymon! I also love seeing you working so hard on your reading Comprehension- keep it up superstar!

Greta you superstar! I'm blown away by your super design and incredible junk modelling school. I love your pulley lift, tunnel, slide and swing and love how you've included somewhere for pets too- I wish we could have a class doggy!

Monday 8th June

Miss Spillman and Gerald talk you through week 9 of your learning packs and take a look at your wonderful activities from the week too!

Sunday 7th June: I think we have another architect in 1S- Wow! Look at Josephs amazing design for his ideal school. I LOVE your idea of having slides inside and outside too- very cool! Well done superstar I can't wait to see it once you've made your design from junk modelling too! :)

Friday 5th June- Albie's extraordinary Design and Technology and Anaiya's wonderful Science: Oh my goodness 1S look at this fantastic school created by Albie as part of his learning pack! It has an outdoor slide, swimming pool and even a trampoline- wow! Albie included some of his friends in class, Mr Watts looking after the school and even Miss Spillman with her Diet Coke :) The only thing we may have to rethink Albie is the pet mouse as Miss Spillman would run away eek! I can't wait to see your school grow next week. So proud of you Albie, well done! :)

Wowee! Look at Anaiya's incredible Science work. I'm so impressed with your plant hunt around your garden Anaiya well done! Anaiya has also been learning lots about animals in her wonderful book. I can't wait to hear all about what you've found out on our phonecall next week :) Keep up the incredible work superstar!

Wednesday 3rd June- Hello my lovely 1S!


I woke up with a HUGE smile this morning after speaking to most of you and your parents on the phone yesterday! I loved hearing how you are all continuing to make me so proud with your learning and most importantly how you're smiling and having lots of fun with your lovely families.


I was really lucky to then be sent some pictures of the things you were telling me about too! Scroll down to see what Niyah, Albie and Anaiya have been up to- what superstars! Also, keep scrolling for Ms Aster's message to you all too!


I am SO happy that I get to call you again next week, so start thinking of some super news that you can tell me then :) In the meantime, please keep on sending in any pictures or videos of what you've been doing. They make me (and Gerald) smile from ear to ear!

Big virtual hugs for now, I miss you SO VERY MUCH! Miss Spillman x 

Albie, you have blown me away with your amazing writing. I am so impressed to see your clear handwriting and amazing stories full of wonderful ideas. Keep up the hard work superstar- I'm so proud of you!

I had a suspicion that Niyah would LOVE this Topic lesson and I was right! Here's our future 1S Architect with her designs for her ideal school. I absolutely love it Niyah and I can't wait to see it when you've created your design with junk modelling! What a creative star you are!

Anaiya was telling me all about her facepainting yesterday on the phone and I was so excited to see it- wowee! It looks fantastic Anaiya! I was also SO proud to hear that Anaiya has been a kindness superstar helping to water plants and sweep the garden at home. I'm so proud of you Anaiya, keep it up :)

Ms Aster's message to her superstars in 1S

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Monday 1st June- Miss Spillman's message with exciting news! Also remember to scroll down to find the links mentioned in the video and to see Ted's super activities too.

Wowee! Ted has been very busy baking, biking and enjoying the sunshine with his family! The baking looks so yummy it's making me very hungry :) Well done superstar!

Friday 22nd May- More kindness superstars! Well done to Tommy, Greta and Micheál who also completed the kindness challenge this week. Greta tidied her room and balcony, Tommy made his Daddy a special cake and did lots of chores and Micheál made a kindness superhero outfit to remind people to be kind! What wonderful children we have in 1S! Scroll down to also see Greta's amazing polar bear poster and the recipe for Tommy's delicious chocolate cake!

How to bake Tommy's yummy chocolate treat cake!

For the icing
  • 100g unsalted butter
  • 225g icing sugar
  • 40g cocoa powder
  • 2 ½ tbsp milk (a little more if needed)
  1. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease and line the base of two 18cm sandwich tins.
  2. Sieve 175g self-raising flour, 2 tbsp cocoa powder and 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda into a bowl. Add 150g caster sugar and mix well.
  3. Make a well in the centre and add 2 tbsp golden syrup, 2 lightly beaten large eggs, 150ml sunflower oil and 150ml semi-skimmed milk. Beat well with an electric whisk until smooth.
  4. Pour the mixture into the two tins and bake for 25-30 mins until risen and firm to the touch. Remove from oven, leave to cool for 10 mins before turning out onto a cooling rack.
  5. To make your butter icing, place 100g unsalted butter in a bowl and beat until soft.
  6. Gradually sieve and beat in 225g icing sugar and 40g cocoa powder then add enough milk to make the icing fluffy and spreadable – around 2 ½ tbsp.
  7. Sandwich the two cakes together with the butter icing and cover the sides and the top of the cake with more butter icing.

Thursday 21st May- Kindness superstar alert! I am so very proud of Ruby who took on the kindness challenge this week. She created some BEAUTIFUL bracelets for some special friends that she misses very much to try and make them smile. What a gorgeous idea Ruby- I couldn't be prouder!

Wednesday 20th May- Wowee! Look at Anaiya's fantastic animal mix up- a flamingcat! I agree Anaiya it's super cute and fabulous :) Anaiya has also been doing some fantastic reading at home and will send Mrs Durgaj a picture to help her with her challenge! I'm so happy to see you enjoying your learning packs 1S! Keep up the amazing work :)

Tuesday 19th May- Aldana's animal mix up challenge! Wow! Look at this half duck half zombie animal that Aldana created- I'm so impressed! So glad to see you enjoying your learning pack Aldana- keep up the superstar work :)

Monday 18th May- Miss Spillman's special message for her extra special 1S! Gerald was actually quite well behaved this week...I think it's having seen all your lovely photos so keep sending them in! :)

Welcome to week 7 of your learning pack 1S! A look back at your super week and a look at what you're going to be up to this week too :)

Here are all the links mentioned in your instruction video this week. Hope you enjoy! Please remember to send any challenges, work or lovely activities to to make Miss Spillman's day and to be featured in the next class video! :) Also scroll down to see Quitterie's videos and pictures that she sent in over the weekend - what a superstar! 

Zoom PE lessons with Tommy's family's gym

Friday 10am: ID meeting 941 166 132 and password 267469.

Sunday 10am: ID meeting 922 945 630 and password 1441000. 

Counting By Tens Song

The Counting By Tens Song by Have Fun Teaching is a counting song that teaches kids how to count by 10's all the way to 100. Download the Counting Videos: ht...

Count by 2 | Dancing 2's | Skip Counting by 2 | Count to 100 | Educational Songs | Jack Hartmann

Dancing 2's is a fun way for kids to learn to skip count by 2. Children follow me doing different dances as we count to 100 by 2. Every time we hit a place h...

Counting By Fives Song

The Counting By Fives Song by Have Fun Teaching is a counting song that teaches skip counting by five. Download the Counting Videos: http://havefunteaching.c...

Quitterie has been making Miss Spillman very proud by doing fantastic work on her learning pack this week all about polar bears! Quitterie wanted everyone to know that she misses us all very much- we miss you so so much too Quitterie! Scroll down to see Quitterie in action riding her bike and sprinting in the park too! Thanks for the lovely updates superstar :)

Quitterie's lovely share the love video :)

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Quitterie riding her bike- so impressed!

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Wow Quitterie, think you'll be giving Usain Bolt a run for his money at this rate! Keep up the fantastic exercise :)

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Friday 15th May - We are so lucky to have the wonderful Mrs Durgaj and Ms Aster in our class. They've sent their weekly video to you all- Mrs Durgaj even needs your help to pick a new book to read :)

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Thursday 14th May- Good morning superstars! I am feeling so proud and happy this morning because I have recieved some AMAZING emails from Maizy, Greta and Tommy :) Scroll down to see what they have been doing!

Don't forget today is the last day you can send your 'share the love' videos in to - look at Greta and Tommy's below if you need help so you know what to do and get filming :D It would be lovely to see lots of you in it!


Tommy's been busy doing exercise classes via zoom and his mummy has also very kindly shared access especially for our class if you want to join in at 10am on Fridays and Sundays too with the coaches at their family gym! It looks really good- I think we have a new Joe Wicks in the making Tommy! Please speak to Tommy and his mummy if you have any questions :) 

 Friday 10am: ID meeting 941 166 132 and password 267469.

Sunday 10am: ID meeting 922 945 630 and password 1441000. 

Greta's beautiful share the love video :)

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Tommy's lovely share the love video

Greta and Tommy sent pictures of their amazing polar bears they created as part of their learning pack this week- I love how you have both used different materials to create them. They look FANTASTIC! Well done superstars :) Tommy has been doing some fantastic exercise which he will try and share soon and Greta has been reading to her little sister! They both miss everyone so much- we miss you too superstars!

PE with Tommy!

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If you want to join in with Tommy's family's gym zoom classes on Fridays or Sundays, Tommy's mummy has kindly shared the details for this- speak to her and Tommy if you have any questions :)
Friday 10am: ID meeting 941 166 132 and password 267469.
Sunday 10am: ID meeting 922 945 630 and password 1441000.

Wowee! Maizy has created an incredible poem about lockdown- it made me so proud! She's also been a busy bee baking yummy chocolate cakes and creating rainbow balloons- what a superstar! Maizy is missing everyone so much and hopes you are all okay- We miss you so much too Maizy :)

Wednesday 13th May-Wow! Look at Micheál's share the love video! Isn't it lovely! Can't wait to see everyone's videos come together in our assembly on Friday- make sure you send yours to

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Monday 11th May- Hello my lovely 1S! Here is your video which talks you through your week 6 learning pack- I hope you can help Gerald :)

Monday 11th May

Friday 8th May: Celebrating VE day at Sacred Heart! Hope you are enjoying this special day with your families 1S as we say thank you to those who gave us freedom today. Also, Scroll down for a video from some of your teachers to show how much we miss you and to ask you to get involved too!

Share the Love of Sacred Heart- Teachers and LSAs version - can you do one so we can add you into this video too and share more love? Send your 'share the love' video to

Thursday 7th May - Wowee! Look at this fantastic plan by Anaiya for getting the bear out of Mouse's chair- I'm so impressed!! Anaiya is missing everyone so much but loves seeing what you're doing on our class page, so keep sending in pictures to :)


Anaiya told me that she had a fantastic birthday with a princess cake (very jealous!), a treasure hunt for treasure, watching Trolls in a special den and video calls to Greta and Eldana in 1M. So glad you enjoyed your special day superstar!


It's also been another special person's birthday- Gerald used our phone today to call Miss Spillman's mummy to say happy birthday to her in Uganda! 


Don't forget tomorrow is the 75th anniversary of VE day. If you would like to share any of your celebrations do send them in :) 




Wednesday 6th May- 1S is getting creative! WOW look at this amazing art work from Tommy and Phoebe- I'm so impressed! Tommy created a beautiful collage and Phoebe and her mummy created an incredible window display for the 75th anniversary of VE day, which we will remember especially this week. Why don't you join in and create a special tribute too? I would love to see them :)

Tuesday 5th May - Special messages from Ms Aster and Mrs Durgaj and another chance to see our special video- scroll down :)

Just incase you missed our special video from yesterday :)

Monday 4th May- I MISS YOU!

Oh 1S, I am really really missing you- I hope you are keeping safe and smiling lots with all the lovely activities you are doing at home. Thank you to Melanie for sending in your beautiful pictures- please scroll down to see what she's been up to and remember to send in anything you'd like to share to :) 

This week you are moving onto week 5 of your learning pack. Gerald and I have made a video to help you with your work this week- I hope you enjoy it and find it helpful :) 

There's also a special video that I've made with all the lovely pictures you've sent in- I hope you love it! :) Miss Spillman x 



1S 🌞

Monday 4th May- Missing you SO SO SO much 1S! Hope this video helps you with your learning pack this week :)

Melanie is missing us so much but has been keeping busy by being a wonderful big sister to her baby brother- I am so proud of you Melanie! She has also been doing some amazing work which you can see below too- I really love your version of the story 'Augustus and his smile' using a butterfly- I bet Alix our librarian would love it too :) Keep up the amazing work superstar!

Thursday 30th April- Good morning 1S! I have a challenge for you...

Miss Spillman's 2.6 challenge for charities- I learned the 26 letters of the alphabet in British Sign Language :)
Why don't you have a go at the 2.6 challenge too? Do anything with 26 and then if you can, donate £2.60 to charity :)
Here's what some of the other teachers did to give you ideas and you can see them all in tomorrow's online assembly!
Mrs O'Mahoney: Did 26 jumps on the trampoline.
Miss Palmer: Did as many 3 legged hops as she could with her mum for 26 seconds.
Miss Barker: Did as many flosses as she could in 26 seconds.
Miss Connolly: Threw an egg 26 times without it breaking.
Miss Fulton: Baked 26 rice crispy cakes.
Mrs Price: Tried to fit as many marshmallows in her mouth as she could in 26 seconds!
If you do the challenge, send your video or picture into I would love to see it!

Wednesday 29th April- Wow I feel very happy today after getting some more lovely emails from you :) Remember to send any messages/pictures/videos to :) 

Marissa wanted everyone to know that she's really enjoying her lessons in her learning pack.  She's been baking with her mummy and daddy and playing with her little brother in the garden. She has even been learning how to sew! I can't wait to see some pictures of this Marissa! Marissa's really missing school, her teachers and friends- we miss you too Marissa!  

Greta sent in some wonderful pictures and videos which you'll find below showing some of the fantastic things she's been doing. Greta is also really missing everyone at school but has been keeping her self busy by doing lovely work in her learning pack, creating beautiful art work, baking and enjoying video play dates too! She has also kept the tooth fairy busy by loosing two teeth! It's a good job the tooth fairy is a key worker because we are keeping her very busy in 1S! I'm so impressed with your map skills Greta and your knowledge of trees! Scroll down for some incredible videos that Greta has made too- I'm very proud of you superstar :) 

Greta's created this amazing video to help you remember how to keep safe in this time- Well done superstar, it's amazing!

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Cook with Greta! How to make banana bread

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Tuesday 28th April: Oh dear! Gerald's very muddled with the parts of a plant this morning! Maybe you can help him by playing the game in the link below :) Remember to scroll down to see very special messages yesterday from Gerald, Miss Spillman, Mrs Durgaj and Ms Aster too! Keep sending in your super pictures too to :)

Monday 27th April- Good morning my superstars in 1S!

Below you'll find a special video from Miss Spillman (and Gerald too of course) talking to you about your exciting learning for your week 4 learning pack.Under the video you'll see some links to Gerald's best friend Geraldine and her phonics videos and other useful links and games to help you in your Maths, Topic and Science this week.

Keep scrolling to see a lovely video from Mrs Durgaj and Ms Aster who both wanted to send you all a special video too :) 

Remember to keep sending your super smiles and lovely activities to - our page is filling up with joy :)

Miss Spillman and Gerald's lesson all about your learning pack for week 4

Hope you find this useful for your learning this week 1S! Remember to check the links below the video to help you too :)

Mrs Durgaj's special message for 1S

Ms Aster's special message to 1S

Sunday 26th April- Oh 1S, these challenge pictures are making me smile from ear to ear! I have got even more over the weekend and I just couldn't wait to share them with you! Scroll down for some wonderful pictures from more of our superstar class!


Remember to keep sending in pictures and messages to

Even if you have already sent in a picture, you are very welcome to send in more as I love seeing your smiling faces and all the lovely things you have been doing :) 


Check our class page again tomorrow for a special video from Miss Spillman and of course, Gerald wanted to get involved too!


Ruby sent me a lovely message and wants everyone to know that she's missing her friends, family and teachers very much but that she's enjoying spending lots of time with her family. Guess what? She's lost another tooth! Don't worry though because the toothfairy is a keyworker so was still working :) She has also learnt to ride her bike without stabilizers- WOW Ruby I'm very impressed! Ruby's been practising her Phonics, Reading, English and Maths as well as lots of other wonderful activites- you can see some of these below! Ruby can’t wait to come back to school and see us all. She sends lots of love and squishy hugs :) Thank you Ruby I can't wait for you to all be back either! Sending lots of squishy hugs back to each of you too! :)

Kairo has been busy at home and I'm very impressed! I LOVE the plate that you've turned into a rainbow of food Kairo- what a clever idea! I also really love the tie-die top- you will have to show me how to do this as I now want one too :D

Quitterie and her mummy created a stunning mermaid - so beautiful and I love your superstar smile! I also really love your NHS rainbow Quitterie - what a beautiful poster :) Quitterie is missing everyone in 1S so much and she can't wait for us all to be back at school :). I feel exactly the same Quitterie!

Friday 24th April- Even more challenges completed :D Thank you to these three superstars for adding even more smiles and joy to our class page! Ted is enjoying an ice-lolly in the sunshine with a smile as if he's about to burst- I love it! Phoebe has been busy at home drawing, painting, reading, teaching her brother and having lots of fun with her toys. She misses school so much and she can't wait to see us all again. I can't wait either Phoebe! Albie and his mummy have been busy painting this picture of the Titanic- WOW I'm so impressed Alibe- keep up the super work! Thank you all for making my day- Have a fantastic weekend 1S! Check back on Monday for a special message :)

Thursday 23rd April- Good afternoon 1S. I came on to write my daily message to find that Gerald has sent one today too! What a cheeky giraffe! I've got a little surprise of my own for you today... Sacred Heart teachers (including me!) have made a special story time video for you- I hope you enjoy it! I would LOVE to see what you get up to this evening for world book night with your families. Send anything in to Missing you more and more and more! Miss Spillman x

Thursday 23rd April- Hi 1S it's Gerald! Miss Spillman isn't looking so I thought I would write you a message. I miss you SO MUCH :( I thought a picture of me being silly as usual would help you to do your smile pictures, so here I am dressed up teehee! I love seeing your pictures and videos- please keep sending them to to make me the happiest giraffe in the world! Love from Gerald x

Wednesday 22nd April- More challenges completed! I feel like the luckiest teacher to have such an incredible class, your pictures are making me so proud and putting the biggest smile on my face- thank you so much and please continue to send them in to  I will add today's super bursting smiles, pictures and video below so scroll down to see them all :)

Maizy has been busy at home creating a beautiful fairy garden and creating a fantastic fairy costume- I LOVE it and I think we should create one in our outdoor area when we get back to school! Maizy wants everyone to know that she's missing you all so much and hopes that you are all staying healthy, happy and safe. She is praying each night that we will go back to school- thank you superstar Maizy!

Melanie has created a fantastic poster for the NHS- well done superstar! Viola is showing us her smile so big she has burst- incredible! Well done superstar girls :)

WOW - Meet Chef Marissa who has been busy cooking at home. I think you need you need your own cookery show! Marissa is so clear with her instructions so that you can try it too at home! Thank you so much superstar!

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Marissa has also been dressing up- here she is as Dorothy- well done superstar!

Tuesday 21st April- Challenges completed: Smiles as if they could burst- wow what a way to brighten my day! Thank you to Tommy and Micheál for your super smiles! Tommy has been doing lots of activities and has been practicing his handstand walkouts- WOW! Micheál has been keeping Miss Spillman company at school; we planted some vegetables which have just started to grow which you can see below too. Remember to send your smile pictures to so we can spread even more joy!

Sunday 19th April: A very special poem for 1S from Miss Spillman

Please email your smile pictures to

Friday 3rd April- Gerald wishes you all a very special Easter Holiday. He can't wait to show you more of his adventures when he's back at school in two weeks time! Don't forget to keep sending in your own adventures so Miss Spillman, Gerald and all of 1S can see what you've been up to!

Friday 3rd April- Wow look at Micheál as a komodo dragon! We have been watching some live zoo cameras- Chester zoo, London zoo and Edinburgh zoo all have live cameras so why don't you go and see some of your favourite animals and create your own masks or drawings?

Thursday 2nd April- Gerald and Miss Spillman were so impressed by Greta's beautiful poster (so lovely to see her wonderful smile too!)- I'm sure all NHS heroes walking past have loved it too. Well done super star! Don't forget to join in at 8pm tonight for another clap for the NHS! Remember to email any of your activities or messages to and we will keep eachother updated on our class page :)

Wednesday 1st April- Today Gerald tricked Miss Spillman. She thought some of the coins had gone missing from our till but guess where they Gerald's mouth! He is getting cheekier and cheekier each day! Why don't you create your own shop at home and use 2p, 5p and 10p coins to make amounts and play shops? Remember you can make your own coins out of paper too.

Tuesday 31st March- Good morning from a musical Gerald! This morning Miss Spillman found him playing on the glockenspiel using the notes C, D and F just like we have done in class- What a clever giraffe he is! Gerald would love to see what you've enjoyed about his adventures so far and what you have been doing at home. Please send videos, pictures of your own adventures or any messages to your teachers and friends in 1S to the admin email and ask to forward to Miss Spillman. Gerald and Miss Spillman will add them to our special class page so we can see each other! So excited to see your faces and hear about your adventures- we miss you SO VERY MUCH!!!!!

Monday 30th March- Good morning 1S, hope you enjoyed Gerald's activities last week...unfortunately for Miss Spillman, he's still being a bit cheeky! Today at school he found the magnets and started to create his own puppet friend. Have a look at the link below from the Little Angel Theatre- you may want to create your own puppets at home!

Friday 27th March- Gerald got creative today and inspired the teachers and children still at school to get creative too! We created an amazing banner to thank the NHS for their amazing work. Why don't you create your own thank you poster at home?

Thursday 26th March- 10, 20, 50, 70...oh no! Gerald's all muddled up with his times tables. Have a look at the counting in 10s song below and see if you can help him count in 10s! You could also practice your 5s and 2s!

Multiply by 10 | Learn Multiplication | Multiply By Music | Jack Hartmann

This multiplication song for 10 gives the multiplication facts for the 10 times table. This Multiply by 10 song has cool original music that is very contempo...

Wednesday 25th March- Oh dear! Gerald's having trouble with his phonics without you all here to help him! Why don't you practice your sounds today or watch some of Gerald's friend Geraldine's videos below.

Geraldine the Giraffe learns /ea/ in meat

Watch UK school teacher Mr Thorne and Youtube sensation Geraldine the Giraffe take you on a learning journey through the world of phonics, grammar, spelling ...

Tuesday 24th March: Gerald has found our atlas but needs help naming and finding the continents- Can you sing the continents song to him?

Seven Continents Song

Here's the continents song!

A special message to 1S from Gerald (and your teachers)

Hi and welcome to 1S’ page :) 

Our class teacher is called Miss Spillman. We are so lucky to have other adults in our classroom who also help us each day, Mrs. Durgaj and Ms. Aster.  We also enjoy Ms Chiassaro coming to read with us each day, and some of us also work with Ms Newman, who takes children to do interventions.  In 1S, we are all so ‘Ready, Respectful and Safe’.  Each week, our class bear, Billy, chooses one child who has displayed our 3 rules, to go on an adventure with over the weekend! 


In our classroom we have lots of amazing areas.  There is an jungle reading corner so we can read and enjoy different types of books; an art area with a huge art table so we can get creative; a construction area where we can use different materials and mechanisms in our designs; a shop area where we can have fun learning about different coins; a home corner area where we enjoy cooking up different foods and looking after babies; a writing area where we can practise our super handwriting and write for different purposes and we have a Maths area where we can practice our number, shape and measuring skills in different ways.  We also have lots of interactive displays where we can practice our times tables, our SPaG and phonics.

Our days are filled with lots of exciting lessons, including: RE, Maths, Reading, English, Handwriting, Phonics, Science, Computing (taught by Mr. Kearney), Music and P.E. 


We do Topic every Friday in 1S- we do lots of different things in Topic including Geography, History, English, Art and Design and Technology.  This term, we have learnt all about some amazing artists like Matisse and Picasso.  We will also be exploring different mechanisms as part of our Design and Technology learning.  Our Topic links closely with other Curriculum Studies, such as English and Maths.   Throughout the year we will be going on trips and having workshops that will help us understand our Topics- information to follow.

We have P.E twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  We do P.E both outside and inside so we need to make sure we have the right kit. We can bring our P.E kits and leave them at school until half term so that we don’t have to remember each week.

Our learning doesn't stop at school that is why we get homework. Our homework always relates to what we are doing in class, so it helps us a lot.  We have home reading and phonics to do every night to help us be super star readers.  On Fridays, we also get English homework and Maths homework (which is set on Mathletics).  Friday homework is due back the following Friday.  The Wednesday Word goes home every week, we use this in our Class Worship sessions the following week in school, so it is great to read through it at home first!


In 1S we are such super stars and Ready, Respectful Safe role models in our school.  We are kind, helpful and always try our best.  We are very excited for our super year ahead! 

Year 1 sent a flag to Antarctica with an explorer, we loved following the journey and getting the flag back after it had traveled all that way! We especially loved seeing the penguins with it.

World book day- what a fantastic set of costumes- Well done to our class winner Phoebe!

Science week- we loved learning about penguins' habitats and how they need to be protected

Practical Maths in Year 1S

Y1 Prayer Book

Topic Focus

We've had
2 9 2 9 5 6
Previously we had