Home Page


Here you will find videos & websites we use regularly in our Maths teaching at school, as well as ideas & resources to use at home:

Counting 1-10 Song

1-10 song suitable for Nursery children

Let's Count to 20

Count to 20 song that Reception loves to sing!

Number song 1-20

Teen Numbers In The Air

Reception use this video to help us with those tricky teen numbers! It helps us to form the numbers in the air.

Number Formation Rhymes

A lovely little rhyme to help children write their numbers 0-9. Includes narration and time for children to practice on their own.

Let's Get Fit: Count to 100

Teach your children to count to 100 as they get some great exercise too.

Shapes Song

Ten fat sausages

An animated and subtitled version of the popular nursery rhyme to support early subtraction

Useful websites:
Interactive Games:

Maths Activity ideas to do at home:

The following activities have been specifically written for parents & carers to engage in Maths with their children at home! They are directly linked to the EYFS Curriculum:

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2 9 2 7 0 4
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