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Summer 1-Easter to Pentecost

Our next RE topic will focus on the period after Easter leading to Pentecost, celebrated the 50th day from Easter Sunday. This period of time commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem.


Keep your eyes peeled for the wonderful work we will do within this next topic!



Spring 2-Lent to Easter



We have been exploring the importance of Lent and how it is time for reflection and self-sacrifice. We have spent a lot of time looking at St Paul and his trip to Corinth on his mission from God. We learnt how he taught the Corinthians all about God and how to be ambassadors of Christ. We also studied how we could do the same and reflected on our choices and how we can be more like God. 


Have a look at our 'Ambassadors of Christ' wristbands!


The children have also been exploring a different prayer form called 'Examen', where you pray backwards and try and find examples of where God has been with you through the day. It is reflective and asks you see where God was present in your day. Here is one that we wrote. 




Autumn 2- Advent to Christmas



This half term, we have been learning from Mark's Gospel because it is Year B in the Catholic calendar. 

We learnt that Mark's Gospel is different to Matthew's because it doesn't start with the nativity. Instead, it starts with Jesus being baptised in the River Jordan by John the Baptist. We also learnt that when John baptised Jesus, something really special happened!

Just as Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”

We also learnt that Catholics believe that God will incarnate himself and live amongst us again- just like Jesus did! The second coming of Christ.


We also wrote a prayer about Hope- the first candle of Advent.



Lots of children were asked to lead Class Worship. Benas and Leandro's class worship started with us lighting the Hope and Peace candle from our class Advent wreath. After, they read Isaiah 58:9-11 and the class responded by reflecting 'What makes a beautiful garden?', If we want God to help us, what should we be doing?' Finally, we said a prayer in our hearts and our mind thanking God for all his help. Our mission is to make Sacred Heart a 'beautiful garden' by helping others- just like God helps us!




Autumn 1- Beginning with the Church



This half term, we have learnt all about the beginning of the Church. We have learnt all about Vatican II and how Pope John XXIII held a meeting in Rome with his bishops to change the church.


Pope John changed the church in two ways:

-He described the church as 'The Church is the Body of Christ' 

-He changed Mass so it more inclusive and incorporated the congregation more


Inspired by this, we designed our own Church and made sure everyone felt welcome!



We also sung lots of hymns and practised our responses for Mass.








We've had
2 9 1 4 2 7
Previously we had