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Miss Palmer Reception

Good Bye Reception!

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Monday 6th July

Pirates love underpants - Books Alive!

Books Alive! presents a reading of Claire Freedman and Ben Cort's hilarious addition to the Underpants series is full of pirates, sharks and treasure. You'll...

Shapes Song 2

A shapes song for children. If this video corrupts, please try the link below. This song was written and performed...

Reception's Rainbow Pictures!

Alexander's home learning about dinosaurs!

Donnie tells us all about the T-rex! - Fantastic writing Donnie!

Monday 29th June

Tricky Words Phase 2&3

Do you know all of the tricky words?

Phase 2 Tricky Words

Do you know the Phase 2 Tricky Words?

Phase 3 Tricky Words

Do you know Phase 3 Tricky Words?

Coin Recognition

Can you name all the coins in the video?

Alexander keeps busy by writing at gratitude list, playing with his nan, exploring money and playing with bubbles!

Liya works with her sister to role play the story of the Good Samaritan!

Monday 22nd June

Dinosaurs Love Underpants! by Claire Freedman - Read Aloud

Dinosaurs Love Underpants! By Claire Freedman Illustrated by Ben Cort Scholastic Inc. Join Og as he reads the amazing story of how underwear was invented and...

UK Coins Explained for Kids - Maths Money Learning Video

Make learning about the UK's currency easy with our learning video for children and parents! See if your child can recognise the value of money as it comes o...

Coin Recognition with Miss Palmer

Can you name all the coins in the video?

Alexander makes Super Lime!!

Lily-Rose Paints Super Daisy!

Lily-Rose's cardboard faces!

Alejandro practices his letter formation!

Donnie takes a sunbathe with his Teddy and makes a shopping list!

When James became a big brother to Lucia! Congratulations!

Monday 15th June

Super Daisy: And the Peril of Planet Pea!

A novelty picture book reading by children's author Kes Gray.

Takeaway 1 with Fingers

Can you beat Miss Palmer at taking away with your fingers?

Takeaway 2 Fingers

Have you mastered takeaway 1? Now try taking away 2!

Lila's Evil Cucumber and Tales Tool Kit Story!

Alexander gets out and exercises! Remember to stay healthy we must exercise!

Mera's Evil Girl!

Alexander Makes it onto the Mathletics Hall of Fame! Can you do the same?

Monday 8th June!

We miss you!!

Miss Barker's Evil Carrot Tales Toolkit Story

One more & One less Evil Pea Maths

Alexander shows us what he has been up to and introduces his new kitten Yuki!

Mera tells us how to be kind!

George and Ralph practice theri fine motor skills - this is great to help your finger muscles boys! Well done

Mera and Lily-Rose create Broccoli Superheroes!

George and Ralph make their superheroes Super Banana and Orange Boy!

Harry and Cian design their super heroes!

Liya makes a super carrot! Well Done Liya - very creative!

WOW! Ralph what a FANTASTIC superhero! Orange Boy looks super cool! Well Done Super Star!

George makes a Banana Boy Superhero! George Well Done - I love that Banana Boy saves everyone! Great Writing!

Monday 1st June

Morning everyone! I hope you had an enjoyable half term and have been getting out in the sunshine and enjoying this fabulous weather! What did you do over the half term? I feel like I have been on holiday - I have been lucky enough to get out in my garden and sit and read a book in the sunshine. 

This morning I spoke to Miss Barker and she told me all about Evil Pea in her house! I cannot believe it! Read the Supertato story with your family today - I hope you enjoy Week 8 of the learning pack and thank you for sending all your letters to your friends I can tell you have been trying really hard at your writing! You are all my super stars! 

Monday 1st June


Supertato read By Klair. written and ilustrated by Sue Hendra & Paul Linnet

Evil Pea has been up to mischief at Miss Barker's house!

Phonics Flashcards

Alejandro enjoys half term in his paddling pool! It looks so cool Alejandro!

Mera and Liya makes some flap jacks!

I am loving your letters to your friends! Well Done everyone Super Writing!

Alexander's outdoor activities!

Liya & Mera make 2D shape animals! - Can you name the shapes they used?

Alexander practices making the bed! Well Done Alexander! Has anyone else learnt any new skills in lockdown?

Donnie had a special visit from the Christmas Elf - just to check he was still behaving in Lockdown! Remember children, the elves are always watching!

Mera and Lisa make Pentecost Hats!

Miss Palmers Message 18th May

We miss you reception x

Lily-Rose shows us her geckos!

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Lily-Rose has been lucky enough to watch a gecko hatch! Thanks for sending in such great pictures Lily-Rose!

Lily-Rose's Hamster!

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Lily-Rose watches her hamster on the wheel - she said he is running to nowhere! He is super fast Lily-Rose!

Lily-Rose is growing an avacado plant and making a puppet show!

Counting on Support Video

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Hi guys! Sorry this video is late to be uploaded - technical difficulties! Make sure you carry on counting!

Mera's Story! Well Done Superstar!

George and Ralph's Junk Model Robots! Wow Boys Well Done!!

Rumble in the Jungle

Hi Reception! I read our story Rumble in the Jungle for everyone in school this week - they love that we are learning about animals, I hope you enjoy the story!

Mobile Zoo Workshop you Tube Channel! 

The mobile zoo workshop came to visit us back in March and we were so lucky to get to meet lots of different animals! The company has put together different videos to help us learn all about our favourite animals! Check out their You Tube channel and let us know your favourite video!

Lila and Liya tells us all about snakes!

George and Ralph Create a Map!

Donnies fantastic writing!

Look at Olivia go!

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Olivia demonstrates her skating skills! Keep it up Olivia! Well Done!

Monday 11th May

Well done reception- the animals have been found!

Our Letter from London Zoo!

Rumble in the Jungle

Rumble in the Jungle by Giles Andreae Please Subscribe! Bird's Eye View- Crystal's Channel- https://...

Lila's Map - Well done Lila, great work!

Alexander gets creative and keeps healthy!

Alexander's Map!

Yoile creates a poster to find the animals and updates us on his maths and reading! Well done superstar!!

Lila writes an email to Mrs Walsh!

Ada writes to Miss Fulton and designs a poster! Well Done!

Donnie helps to try and find the animals! Well done Donnie!

Liya's Amazing animal poster! Well done Liya!

George, Ralph and their sister Poppy practice their numbers!

Harry's 2.6 Video Challenge - Well done!

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Great effort from Harry and his dad taking part in the 2.6 challenge taking on 3 legged hops!

Cian's 2.6 Challenge - Well Done!!

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Great effort from Cian and his dad taking part in the 2.6 challenge!

Cian and Harrys Missing Animal Posters - well done boys! We hope to find them soon!

Miss Palmer has been busy at school weaving butterflies! Can you make your favourite animal?

Liya's Fantastic animal poster!

Olivia's Beautiful NHS Rainbow Poster!

George and Ralph's Posters to help find the animals - Great effort boys well done!

Miss Palmers important message! Monday 4th May 2020

Sacred Heart CCTV: Zoo animals caught live!

Oh no! Look at the animals stampeding through our playground!

A letter from London Zoo

Zoo animal map!

Can you draw and label your own map to help find the zoo animals!

Alexander updates us on his Easter! 

Alexander keeps us updated on what he has been doing at home! He has been saying what he is grateful for everyday which is really important for us to realise how lucky we are to be spending this extra time with our families! What a great idea Alexander to draw your family tree! I wonder if any other children can draw the members of their family? You can use Alexanders picture as an example! 

Like all of us Alexander has been going out once a day for exercise and been baking too! I love the idea of finger painting too Alexander to create different animals! You have given us all different ideas to stay busy at home! 

Story Time! Mr Archimedes Bath

Can you remember how to describe different capacities?

2.6 Challenge for the Ben Kinsella Trust

Can you take part in the 2.6 challenge?

Mrs Walsh's Video to Reception

Miss you lots Reception!

Donnie updates on his home learning!

Donnie Counts to 60

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Donnie has been busy getting in his daily exercise and also counting at the same time! Well Done Donnie!
What have you all been doing to keep healthy?

EYFS Curriculum Page Link:

Use the link below to take you to our EYFS Curriculum page where you will find useful websites, videos we use in class, resources and home learning ideas to meet all 7 areas of the Early Years Curriculum! You will also find photos of our learning plus lots of tips & guides for parents/carers.

Story Time! We're going on a bear hunt!

Hi everyone! Hope you enjoy story time today - do you have any requests of stories you would like me to read?

Monday 27th April Message from Benny and Miss Palmer

Hi Everyone! Missing you lots - keep an eye out for the next video with your new challenge!

27 April 2020

Sorry Guys! The Postman rang and I had to answer the door! Here is your challenge for Week 4! Good luck! Remember to record your challenge - spread the news to get others t join in and donate £2.60 if you can!
Miss you lots!

Launch video for the #HopItTopIt #TwoPointSixChallenge | The Ben Kinsella Trust

Launch video for the Ben Kinsella Trust's #HopItTopIt #TwoPointSixChallenge, featuring Brooke Kinsella and Louisa Lytton

Ada's home learning with her brother Armand! 

Thanks for sending in your pictures Ada - WOW look at your hair you reminded me of Princess Belle! i am glad to see you doing your learning packs and having fun with your family! Keep up the amazing work and send us some more pictures! 

Mrs Walsh's Playdoh Recipe!

Follow Mrs Walsh's playdoh recipe to make at home! Remember to keep in an air tight container to keep it fresh and you will be able to use it over and over again!

Miss You Reception P! Lots of Love from Miss Palmer xx

Hi Reception!! Hope you have had a great Easter, Me and Mrs Walsh are missing you lots and lots! There is a tales tool kit challenge in my latest video message and keep your eyes posted as Mrs Walsh has the play doh recipe for you to try at home! Stay safe! Have fun! Any problems please email and send pictures and anything you have been up to to the admin email, can't wait to see you again!

Happy Easter from Benny the Bear and Miss Palmer!

We hope you have all had a very safe, happy and holy Easter! 

We cannot wait to get back to normal and see you all soon! 

Are you enjoying your Easter Eggs? We ate ours before we got a picture but we have a creme egg to eat tonight after dinner! Yummy! 

Yoile Keeps Busy at home! 

Yoile has been keeping busy at home making lots of art work to say thank you to our NHS workers who we are very grateful to at this time! He has also been reading lots of different books including Peppa Pig and Biff, Chip and Kipper books! We love your scooter Yoile and those cool shades! 

We cannot wait to see you again! We hope you are all keeping safe and have been enjoying your Easter Eggs! How many have you had? 

Benny makes a cake! 

Benny and Miss Palmer finally got round to making a Victoria Sponge Cake - what do you think? 

If you want to try your own you will need: 

  1. 200g caster sugar 
  2. icing sugar 
  3. 4 eggs 
  4. 200g self raising flour 
  5. jam 
  6. squirty cream 
  7. 200g butter
  8. One tablespoon of vanilla extract 


If you make your own don't forget to send us a picture! 

Mrs Walsh gets cooking! 

Mrs Walsh and her 3 children have been busy making their own pizzas from scratch! Check out her recipe! Miss Palmer and Benny the Bear are super jealous it looks delicious! Keep checking the class page as Mrs Walsh is going to give us her famous recipe for play dough at home! Have you been doing any baking? 

Mrs Walsh's pizza recipe!

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Benny and Miss Palmer's weekend! 7.4.20

Hi everyone from Benny and Miss Palmer, what a lovely weekend we have had sunbathing on the balcony! 

Benny used suncream and spent some time reading his favourite book - have a look at the photo to see what book it is! We have done so much exercising this weekend, we walked for 10 miles on Saturday admiring everyones lovely houses. We also shared some ice cream as our treat - but not before we ate all of our dinner! 

We searched the supermarkets high and low for flour to make our cake and Miss Palmer's dad finally found some - so we will be making a cake as well at some point this week but for now we are staying home on the balcony enjoying the sunshine! What have you been doing? Don't forget to send your pictures to the admin email!


​​​​​​​Check back later in the week to see what we have been up to! 

Alexander gets creative! 

What a beautiful painting from Alexander! You look so happy! It is great to see you being so creative at home! We miss you very much! Keep up the hard work! And send in some more paintings! 

Alexander exercises using the Wii Fit!

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Well done Alexander this looks like a great game!

Mrs Walsh keeps active! 

Thanks to Mrs Walsh for sending us a video of her and her son Jack practising their Karate skills and staying fit and healthy during this time! Have you all been getting enough exercise? Remember it makes your bones and muscles strong and helps your heart and brain to stay healthy! 

Can you remember what else you can do to stay healthy? 

Mrs Walsh keeps active!

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Alexander updates us on what he has been reading!

Great to hear from Alexander who has been playing on his Wii and reading lots of books - here are some he has recommended: 


  • The play park 
  • The cat in the hat 
  • Catch that goat 
  • The stinky plant 


What have you all been reading? Keep an eye out on our class page as I will be reading one of my favourites over the weekend! Stay safe everyone! 

Donnie shows us what he has been up to! 

Thanks for sending us in your pictures Donnie! I didn't recognise you in your dress up outfit! You look like you have been busy in the kitchen making smoothies- what will you make next? I love the trampoline in your garden - we hope you have been getting enough exercise! Benny the Bear loves the Gormiti toys in your pictures and he is so glad you are using your learning pack and been behaving and staying Ready, Respectful and Safe at home! Keep it up Superstar! 

Lily-Rose Gets Creative! 

Great to hear from Lily-Rose who has been getting creative making models and posters to say thank you to everyone at the NHS! I love your model elephant Lily-Rose! Lily-Rose has also been busy with the 3D animals I told you about earlier in the week! Was the hedgehog spikey? Keep us updated on what else you get up to Lily-Rose we love to see what you have been doing! 


Benny the Bear spends Easter with Miss Palmer! 

Benny the Bear has come home from school with Miss Palmer today and he has already made himself comfortable on the sofa watching TV and EVEN stolen one of Miss Palmer's favourite drinks - her Diet Coke! We are going to get up bright and early to do our Friday work out with Joe Wicks - what will you be doing? Make sure you send your pictures to:


Cian and Harry have been keeping busy! 

Cian and Harry have been keeping busy - thanks for sending in your pictures boys! Maybe you can write the recipe for the biscuits so we can try and make them at home? 

Cian and Harry have been working through their learning packs and have even created their own Star od the Week certificates - how amazing is that? Maybe we could all try this and award stars to different people in our house who have been ready, respectful and safe! 

James' adventures at home

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Thank you to James who is keeping us updated on what he has been up to at home! Well done for using your home learning pack James, we love the video of you exercising to Joe Wicks! Well done for remembering to stay fit and healthy!

If you want to show us what you have been up to send your pictures to the school admin email!
Thanks - hope you're all staying safe and well, Miss Palmer x

James' adventures at home

A message from Miss Palmer Monday 30th March 2020

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Stay Safe and indoors everybody! Me and Mrs Walsh are missing you lots! Send pictures of what you have been up to the school admin email and I will add them to our class page! Check out what I have been up to below!
Lots of love Miss Palmer x

Miss Palmer's Busy Week

Miss Palmers Week 

Hi everyone! I thought I would share some photos of what I have been doing this week, can you spot the jungle animals in my front room? You can get them to visit your house too! Google:







Emperor Penguin 


​​​​​​​Angler Fish 





Brown Bear 



Shetland Pony 






Dog â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

Underneath the Wikipedia description click 'view in 3D' and you should be able to see the animals in your house! 


As well as having jungle animals visit I have been doing some cooking I was very pleased with my first attempt at Toad in the Hole! This week I plan to make a cake - keep an eye on this page and I will upload it when I have made it! Stay safe everyone, see you soon! Love Miss Palmer x  

Hello Reception P! 


I hope you are enjoying your time at home, spending extra special times with your families! I am sorry I wasn't in last week to see you before you went home - but I cannot wait to find out what you have been up to and I hope you have all been staying Ready, Respectful and Safe for your adults at home! 


Remember to read every day and practice phonics and counting - you could show your mums and dads how to do number time or even teach them how to use robot arms! We reached number 19 - can you practice number time with number 20 and show your mums and dads how to count out 20 and check your answer? 


I will be so impressed when we get back to school if you have all been practicing phonics with reading and writing - I have a challenge for you, can you write a sentence about something you have done each day and keep a diary so I can read it when we get back to school?


I hope you are using the learning packs we sent home for you, myself and Mrs Walsh are so proud of all of the work you have done so far - we know you can do even better at home because you are all learning super stars! 


Keep up the good work at home and we cannot wait to see you, don't worry Benny the Bear is keeping our classroom safe and clean, he cannot wait to have you all back in class. 


Remember to wash your hands and stay safe! 

See you soon, lots of love Miss Palmer, Mrs Walsh and Mrs Fennell. heart​​​​​​​




Hello and welcome to Reception P. The class teacher is Miss Palmer; the LSA’s in class are Mrs Walsh and Mrs Fennell.

In reception we love junk modelling, so please keep any cereal boxes, egg cartons, bottles and toilet rolls for us to use in class and be creative!

We also love biscuit time at the end of the day! We welcome any donations of plain digestive or rich tea biscuits for us to enjoy before home time!

This term we will be settling into reception, getting to know our new friends and adults in class. We have a dress up shop, a construction and tinkering area, sand pit, number and mark making area and a large creative bench with a huge easel! We also get to use reception B’s classroom during our free flow time which has a lovely home corner, writing, water and book areas. We share our outdoor playground together and at lunch times we will get to go to the big front playground and play with the year 1 and 2 children.

In RE this term we will be learning about the creation story and will be learning our school prayers.

Please keep checking this page for pictures on what we have been getting up to in class!

Building houses for the Three Little Pigs

Trip to the pantomime at the Shaw Theatre

The Jolly Postman workshop

We've had
2 9 1 5 9 6
Previously we had