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Y1 St Brigid of Ireland

Don't forget to keep checking SeeSaw for things you can be doing at home!

We love reading, have a look at some of our favourite books...

What a busy term!


We've had such a busy term! In Y1 St Brigid we've been working our socks off to catch up on all the things we missed when we were on lockdown at the end of Reception. 

We've been trying to learn to read and write our tricky words. If this is something your child still struggles with, try and help them practise reading and writing them at home (one a week works really well). Here is a list of all the words children need to be able to 'just know' how to spell at the end of year 1. As you can see, it's a lot so the sooner we get started the better!
We've also been learning to count in 2s and 10s to 100. After the Christmas holidays we'll be starting to count in 5s to 100 as well. It's a big job to learn all those numbers so any help you can give us at home is much appreciated! We use Paint the Squares to help use while we're still learning. 

Happy new year!

No room, no room!

Miss Connelly has made a video to help us learn the dance moves for the Nativity show :)

Little grey donkey

Miss Connelly has made videos to help us learn the dance moves for the Nativity show!

We've had a fabulous start to the term! Y1 St Brigid have been working really hard and everyone has settled back into school really well. Because we missed some time in school at the end of last year we're working to make sure we catch up on all that learning.

We're making sure we all know how to read and write our tricky words, starting with Phase 2. It's really important for our reading and writing that we can sight-read (read with sounding them out) these words and spell them without sounding them out. Hopefully everyone's been working at home to learn them! 

We've also been practising our counting. We started by making sure we were secure counting forwards and backwards to 20, which we were learning in Reception. Now we're counting to 50 every day, and we've even started counting in 10s! Soon we'll be going to 100, in steps of 1, 2, 5 and 10. We use the Splat Square in school; take a look and see if you can splat all the numbers you say when you count in 10s to 100!


Still image for this video
We've had
2 9 2 9 5 6
Previously we had