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Y2B Miss Bailey

Goodbye Y2B

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Story Time

Did you know that books can speak? Listen to these amazing books and create your own talking book by exploring the different activities provided by the British Library. I can't wait to hear them!

These are wonderful memories of your time in Y2 Roda. I can see that you have taken great care with your handwriting and your box is amazing. I hope that you fill it up with lots of treasured memories.

This looks so healthy and delicious! Amazing culinary skills Luliya.

Luliya .MOV

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Welcome to Week 13

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Excellent character description Luliya. You have thought very well about what your character is like and added lots of descriptive detail. 

Welcome to Week 12

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Soleyana Mermaid in Happy Land.MOV

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Luliya’s Art Gallery

The True Story of The Three Little Pigs!

Welcome to Week 11

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Maths Week 11

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Writing week 11

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Sacred Heart Feast Day Artwork

Well done to Soleyana, Rakeb, Lucy and Luliya for creating such beautiful pictures depicting what Sacred Heart means to you. I can see that you have taken great care and pride in your artwork which is wonderful.  They are so bright and colourful and they look absolutely stunning. 

Luliya’s Story Mountain

This is a great story mountain Luliya. I like the way you have thought about using different sentence starters and how you have included some interesting details. 

Week 10 Writing

Monday 15th June

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Friday 19th June is Feast of the Sacred Heart.  You can see a photograph of our stunning stained glass window, which is in the upstairs hall,  beneath this message. It would be fantastic if you could create a piece of artwork depicting what Sacred Heart means to you. This will be shared and celebrated at the assembly with Miss Pipkin on  Friday. I look forward to seeing all your work. 


Maths Video Part 1

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Maths Video Part 2

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Superhero Soleyana! Fantastic piece of artwork Soleyana. 
Soleyana has been busy thinking about how she can make a difference to our wonderful world. These are excellent ideas and they will certainly help to make our world an even better world to live in. Well done Soleyana. 
Luliya created an amazing Bug Hotel. Out of curiosity, I checked out the Bug Hotel Advisor reviews on their website. Unsurprisingly, it was full of glowing reviews and had a five star rating🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 I imagine it’s going to be full of lots of very happy and satisfied minibeasts. 

The Bear and the Piano.

Enjoy listening to the story from start to finish!

Week 9 Day 2: Thought Bubble

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Wonderful Writing! 
Well done Luliya and Rakeb. You have both explained what the bear might be thinking and described his feelings very well. I am pleased that you used different punctuation marks correctly in your wonderful writing. Keep it up! 

Breaking News- New musical sensation by ace reporter Rakeb.

Hello Y2B,

I hope you had a great weekend. I wonder if you got caught in the thunder and lightning like I did when I was walking my dog? It was a bit scary and we had to quickly dash home, because we were getting soaking wet!
Miss Connolly has made a video to help you with your writing activities, where you will be continuing with ‘The Bear and the Piano’ story. Keep an eye out for different videos during the week. I have made a Maths video to help you with the different activities that you will be doing. 

Please keep sending in your videos and photos as it is brilliant to see all the lovely things that you have been doing at home. 
It was great to speak to some of you last week and I will be phoning you all again this week. 

Take care everyone and I hope to see you all very soon! 
From, Miss Bailey 

Maths Week 9

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Writing Week 9

The Bear and the Piano

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Millie created her own timeline. You certainly have grown!

Rakeb has made a fantastic job of growing her beans. I wonder if they will turn into a beanstalk...

The Bear and the Piano

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Title and front cover reveal!

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Hello Y2B, 

I hope you had a fantastic half term and managed to safely enjoy some of the glorious sunshine that we had during the week.  There are lots of different activities for you to complete and it would be great if you try to do as many as you can. Miss Connolly has made a video to help you with your writing activities and I made a Maths video. I really enjoy seeing all the wonderful things that you have been doing at home, so please keep sending in your photos and videos. I am very proud of you all for staying safe at home with your families and helping to protect the NHS. 
Missing you so much and hope to see you all very soon!

Take care, 

From Miss Bailey 

Maths Video Week 8

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Writing Week 8

Super spring collage by Soleyana. This has certainly put a spring in my step!

Harry, Soleyana and Luliya have been very busy at home showing how they have been kind. Well done children!

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Lucy’s poster showing how she has been kind. 

Hello Y2B,


Welcome to another week of lovely learning. There are lots of different activities for you to complete and I know that you will try your best and work hard in all that you do. I would imagine that some of you would have busy helping to cook some meals for your family during the time that you have staying at home. Miss Connolly, Miss Spillman, Miss Main and I thought that it would be a good idea to set you a Cooking Challenge! Please send in any recipes that you have created and videos of the tasty food that you have cooked. These will be added to the Cooking Channel on our school website.  Mmmm, it's making me hungry just thinking about it.....

I really enjoy looking at your pictures and videos that some of you have been sending in- keep them coming.

You are doing a fantastic job of protecting our NHS and keeping us all safe.


Take care everyone and I hope to see you all very soon.


From Miss Bailey 

Great poster Millie, thank you for sharing the love.

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Hello Y2B,

Welcome to another week of lovely learning. Below you will see a video that I made about punctuation marks, which I hope helps you with your story writing in English. You will find a video on 2C’s class page that Miss Connolly made about planning your story. It would be fantastic if you could share your wonderful story writing. Send them in and I will put them on our class page.

I know it’s really hard staying at home, but it’s really important that we continue to do so for a little while longer to protect us all and keep us well and healthy. 

Stay safe and keep smiling,


From Miss Bailey 

Week 6 May 11th

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Luliya's Papier Mache Globe

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Well done for following the instructions to make your globe Luliya, it looks great!

Lucy's Helicopter Seed

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It looks like you constructed this very well Lucy, I like how it spins super-fast!
Lucy has been incredibly busy at home. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful work. 

Keepy- uppy Rakeb!

Rakeb has been busy setting up her own shop. I trust that you were a smart shopper and used the correct coins to buy the lovely things in your shop. 

Friday 8th May- VE Day 75 Years
VE stands for victory in Europe. On this day 75, years ago, it was formally announced that World War 2 had finally ended after 5 and a half long years. Life was very hard during the war and food and clothes were rationed. This meant that you could only get a certain amount of those things and sweets were very rare. During the war children were evacuated. They were sent to live in the countryside, because cities, including London, were very unsafe. My dad was evacuated so he was an evacuee. 

On the first VE Day, on the 8th May 1945,  there were huge crowds in London – and all over the UK –  celebrating the end of war together. 
I hope that you enjoy your VE celebrations with your families at home. 


Street Parties in Islington on VE Day 1945

VE Day celebrations in Ashburton Grove, near Hornsey Road

Hello Y2B,

I hope that you’ve been having a good week and trying hard to complete the different activities in your learning packs. Below you will find a video that I made which I hope will help you with your Maths activity where you are finding totals using money. 
Friday is a bank holiday. We do not usually have a bank holiday on a Friday in May, but there is a very special reason why we are having one this year. I wonder if you know why it is happening this year? Try to find out as much information as you can about this very important occasion. 
I will post some more about this later on. 
Take care,

Miss Bailey

Finding Totals

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Hello Y2B, 

I hope you are all well and keeping busy. Miss Connolly and I have created lots of different activities for you this week to help you with your learning at home. There is a video link on Miss Connolly’s page that you will need to watch in order to complete your wonderful writing. Thank you to those children who have sent in pictures to share. It’s lovely to see what you have been doing whilst you’ve been at home. As always, try your best and be sensible. 

Missing you lots and lots, 

From Miss Bailey 

Week beginning May 4th

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Fantastic poster Rakeb! I agree, the NHS are really doing a great job.

Great set of instructions Luliya! Keep up the wonderful writing.

Below you will see parts of well-known stories which have been re-written by the author Julia Donaldson. As you will notice, these events describe the different ways in which we are living at the moment. I thought that you may like to have a try at drawing an event from your favourite story  and writing a sentence or two that reflect our lives at this current time. I hope to see some of your wonderful writing very soon! 

Alternative events in stories by Julia Donaldson

Hello Y2B, 

I hope you are well and staying safe. This week you have got new learning packs to complete at home. I’ve made a video to help you with your adding and subtracting multiples of ten activity. Last Thursday was World Book Night and I hope you enjoyed watching the story that all the teachers made. Also, it was lovely to see Miss Pipkin’s assembly on Friday. These things helped to remind me that even though we may be apart, we are all able to be together in some lovely ways in these tricky times. It is fantastic to see and hear about what you’ve been doing whilst you have been at home. Your videos and photos can be sent to 

Take care,

From Miss Bailey 


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Around the World With Myla!

Myla has been busy at home creating her map of the world. She said, “ Asia is the largest continent and Australia is the smallest continent. We live in Europe.” Excellent map work and great knowledge Myla! She has also been learning about fractions. 
Thank you Myla for sharing your learning with us, well done. Keep up the good work. 

Hello Y2B,

I hope that you and your families are well and had a lovely Easter. It’s  very strange to not be returning back to school after our Easter holidays, but I know that the most important thing that we can do is to stay at home and to keep safe. I hope you enjoy the story that I read to you in the video. Hopefully, lots of you will try to make a Ratty Race Boat and I really look forward to seeing the videos of you saying the tricky sentence from the story. You can send pictures of your Ratty Race Boats and your videos to


I really, really miss you all and I sincerely hope that we can all be back at school very soon! In the meantime, I’m off to practice my tricky sentence...

Take care and stay safe everyone. 
From Miss Bailey 


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Instructions: How to make a Ratty Racing Boat

Hello Y2B,


I hope that you are all ok and keeping yourselves busy whilst we are not at school. Earlier on,  I took my dog for a walk, but unfortunately I got caught in the rain and my poor dog got soaking wet! It made me think about your Science activity where you have to  investigate different materials. I think I will do the same and make a waterproof jacket for my dog. I wonder how you will get on with your investigations? I hope that you are all remembering to be super sensible and being helpful when you are staying safe at home with your family.


Miss you lots,

Miss Bailey


Hello Y2B,


I hope that you are having a wonderful week and have been busy doing lots of lovely learning. I know that you will all miss being at school, but it is very important that you stay at home  to keep yourself and your family safe. Please make sure that you check our class page daily for messages and updates. Also, remember to take some time each day to complete your learning packs.  As you know, one of my most favourite things to do when I  am relaxing is to read, and I can't wait to read some more Roald Dahl books. I look forward to hearing about which books you have been enjoying, whilst you have been spending time at home with your family. 



Take good care of yourself 2B! 


Missing you lots,

Miss Bailey 

Hello Y2B, 

I hope that your week has been going well. During my time at home, I have been keeping myself busy doing lots of different activities. I just finished a 1000 piece jigsaw. It was quite tricky, but I didn’t give up! I know that you are all very good at always trying your best and not giving up. Please keep up with your learning packs and always giving of your best. I can’t wait to hear what activities you have been doing during your time at home. 
                             Stay safe 2B,

                               Miss Bailey

Making Habiats

Making Tudor Houses

Y2 Prayer Book

Y2 Topic Focus

We've had
2 9 1 4 2 3
Previously we had