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Y2C Miss Connolly

Have a wonderful summer 2C! Thank you to those who sent in their green photo. What a special memory to have!

Goodbye my lovely 2C ❤️

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I can’t believe this time of year has come around already! Thank you for being such a wonderful class-so full of humour and personality! I feel very lucky to have been your teacher in both Year 1 and Year 2! I am going to miss you all SO much!
Miss Warner is very excited to be your Year 3 teacher and I’m certain that you will have a fantastic year with her!

DON’T FORGET!! The summer reading challenge!

Challenge yourself to read either one entire chapter book or one chapter book each week of the holidays (that’s 6 in total)! Prizes will be given out for those who were successful in September!

Have a wonderful summer! Let’s hope there is lots of sunshine ☀️

Stay safe!

Lots of love,

Miss Connolly xx

Alexander you are definitely ready for Year 3 with this superb writing! Well done for keeping up with your learning pack throughout lockdown and thank you for sharing you brilliant work on our page! Your picnic plan looks great, let’s hope the weather stays nice this summer and you get to enjoy lots of picnics at the park!

Thank you Elliana for sharing your precious memories from Year 2! Remember to keep your treasure chest somewhere safe. Elliana completed the ‘eggsperiment’ this week. Check out her photos to see the results!

Georgia you look very cool on your speedy jet ski! Nope...not jealous...not jealous at all! Have a brilliant time and enjoy 😊

What lovely adjectives you’ve used to describe your cousin Eliza! Well done Martha! What a super drawing!

Thank you for sharing your precious memories Alfie! Keep this treasure chest safe so you can look back in years to come and remember what life was like in 2020!

Thank you for sharing your precious memories with us Nehmia! I also loved watching you all perform in the Nativity. It’s always such an exciting event in our school year!

Monday Message Week 13

Alexander you are certainly keeping busy! I'm very impressed with all of the writing you've been doing. I've spotted some great use of commas, speech marks and even elipses! I'm also loving the new words you've recorded in your dictionary. Unfurl is a great word, I'd love to see that used in your creative writing! Thank you for sending these pictures in Alexander, keep up the fantastic work!

Storytime with Elodie and her Mum - Chocolate Mousse for Greedy Goose

We are very lucky today! Here's another fantastic video from Elodie and her Mum, reading Chocolate Mouss for Greedy Goose. Your expression is super Elodie! I'm certain your Mums reception class really enjoyed listening to your excellent reading :)

Elodie sent in this very cool picture of her pet goldfish! How cute! Also, I can spy a minature Freddie look alike hiding in her tank! Thanks for sending in this picture Elodie :)

Bumblebear with Elodie and her Mum!

WOW! I think Elodie is about to put me out a job! She's been reading with her mum for her mum's reception class! I am super impressed Elodie and I think you would make an excellent teacher one day. Thank you so much for sending in this brilliant video. I really enjoyed the story!

'Aladdin' from Jafar's perspective! by Alexander

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Alexander I love your retelling of Aladdin from Jafar's persective. What super imagination AND acting skills! I think it's great how you've used your toys as props as well. You've clearly put a lot of thought into this. Well done and keep up the fantastic work!

Alfie has sent in some fabulous writing from his learning pack this week. He has chosen to write about the story of Jack and the Beanstalk from the Giant's perspective! Take a look below Alfie's character profile and the conversation Alfie imagines would take place between Jack and the Giant. Beautiful, neat handwriting again Alfie and really super spelling! Keep up the excellent work!

Some more brilliant writing from Nehmia! You've definitely succeeded in including lot's of 'un' words in your diary entry. Can you spot how many 'un' words Nehmia has used? I think you've really captured how the wolf is feeling. Reading this diary entry makes me feel very sorry for the poor wolf!

Elim has been very busy over the last few days! She's been doing some fantastic reading, helping her mum make some delicious looking Ligemat (doughnuts) and she's made this wonderful poster all about famous and influential Black people. I absolutely love the title you've chosen Elim 'The Four Equality Heroes'! Great job Elim, keep it up! Superstar!

Monday Message Week 12

Good Morning 2C,

We are continuing with fairytales in writing this week, but you will be choosing your favourite fairytale story! It's all about using your imagination to think about the story from a different character's persepective. I can't wait to see the exciting ideas you come up with!

Get your rackets ready-we are playing numberbond tennis in today's video! Why not have a go at playing it with someone in your family? Start with numberbonds to 10, then try 20 and 100!

School Rainbow Collage: OUR COLOUR IS GREEN :) Send in a picture of yourself dressed in green against a green or plain background!

Speak to you all tomorrow,

Lot's of love,

Miss Connolly xx

P.S. There's a little gift for you just underneath this video. Scroll down to see!

I Want My Hat Back | Free Performance for Children

Here's a little gift from me to you 2C!

I know we really enjoyed listening to Alix the librarian read this story to us earlier in the year AND the The Little Angel Theatre have made it into a puppet show!

It's really funny and I loved watching the story come alive. I hope you like it too!

Lot's of love,

Miss Connolly

Sijibomi has been working very hard on fractions at home! Look at this excellent piece of work. Thank you for sending in this picture Siji! I’m very impressed. Keep up the hard work!

Wow! Archie has been very busy this week with his home learning. He has been practising his handwriting and I must say I am very impressed with those tall, small and falling letters! Archie has also been exploring number in his maths work. Well done superstar! Keep it up :)

Alfie used pasta to help him create equal groups for his maths learning! He could make equal groups of 2, 4, 6 and 8 but not of 5. I wonder why that is?

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs!

Alfie retold the story of The Three Little Pigs by making a comic strip! Brilliant work Alfie, I really love the speech bubble at the end 😊

Martha visited the zoo on Saturday to celebrate her dad's birthday! Here you can see her standing outside the ‘’Bug Ben’. Speaking of bugs, Martha spotted a group of ants feasting on a delicious, sweet slice of orange! For those of you who made bug hotels, this might be the perfect addition to attract some more mini beasts!

Monday Message Week 11

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Week 11 Writing

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Week 11 Maths

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Well done Marakey for completing the Sacred Heart challenge! I saw your picture in Miss Pipkins's assembly yesterday :) There's a link for the assembly just below this picture. If you haven't watched it yet, be sure to check it out!

Another fantastic piece of writing from Hilda! I'm so impressed with how dedicated you are to your writing. Your plan sounds really exciting Hilda :) Poor Panda must have felt very stressed when he realised his violin wasn't working!

WOW! Nehmia such super writing. There are some very impressive describing words, such as 'aggressive' and 'adorable' in your story. Keep up the fantastic work :)

Alexander has been enjoying some time outdoors-rollerskating! You look very cool Alexander! Alex tells me that he's working on some tricks and he can even do jumps now. Scroll down to see Alexander in action!

Check out Alexander's excellent rollerskating skills in this video!

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Well done Alexander-I love the description of your character! Great use of expanded noun phrases! I really enjoyed hearing the plan for your story yesterday, brilliant imagination! Dare I say it may be even more exciting than The Bear and the Piano!? Move over David Litchfield!

Marakey made this fabulous big hotel using green leaves and a bucket! When I spoke to Marakey yesterday she told me that some tiny ants have already checked in. I wonder if you’ll have any other creepy crawly guests?

Another great effort from Hilda! I love your description of the Greyish Panda’s appearance and I’m really looking forward to reading the full story at the end of the week 😊 Well done superstar!

Week 10

Maths Video Part1

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Maths Video Part 2

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I really enjoyed listening to Alexander read some of this book to me on Wednesday, although I have to admit I did find it a little scary. I loved reading Goosebump books when I was your age, and if you're a thrill seeker like Alexander then you might too! Have a look at his fabulous book review below to see if this is a book for you! I really like your illustration Alex, and again I'm seeing lots of improvement in your handwriting! Keep up the super work! I look forward to hearing the next part of the story when I call on Tuesday! (I might need to make sure Freddie and Maths Monster are in the room with me this time though! It's not a book to read when you're all alone!)

Thank you Georgia for sending in your book review of 'A book with a bite!'. I will definitely take your recommendation. In fact, I know we have this book in our class library so I will see if I can find it and maybe I will read it in a video for everyone! Have a look at Georgia's book review below to see if you think you might enjoy this book! Super writing Georgia, I can see a a big improvement in your handwriting. Keep up the brilliant work!

I got to hear Martha read yesterday and I was so impressed with the progress she's made whilst she's been at home! Martha has been really enjoying reading and this is the book she read to me. It's called 'Daisy and the Trouble with Chocolate' by Kes Gray. Check out Martha's book review below to see if she recommends the book or not! Super work Martha, another fantastic piece of writing! :)

Alfie's Show and Tell 11.06.20

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Alfie had such a fantastic suggestion when I spoke to him on the phone yesterday. He asked me if he could do a show and tell for our class page and I thought it was such a lovely idea!
Alfie did his show and tell all about his dog, Tiger, who is coming up to ten years old in August. Check out his brilliant video to find out some more interesting facts about Tiger.

I'd love to see more video show and tells! If you decide to do one, make sure you send it in so I can share it on our class page :)

The Bear and the Piano.

Enjoy listening to the story from start to finish!

Another fabulous piece of writing from Alfie! You are doing some excellent work at home. I really love how you put a question at the end of the thought bubble. It makes me think that the bear is feeling very confused and unsure of what to do. Well done Alfie, keep it up!

Wow Alfie! Your writing just keeps getting better and better! I’m so impressed with your beautifully punctuated sentences and super spelling using -ed. I really enjoyed reading your newspaper report. Keep it up!

Another fantastic thought bubble from Hilda! Your handwriting is so neat. I love your joining! You’ve used some really descriptive feeling words Hilda. I’m very impressed! Keep up the good work 🙂

Martha I think you’ve jumped straight into the mind of the bear! I’m super impressed with your writing, beautiful handwriting and spelling! Thank you for sending in a picture and keep up the fabulous work you superstar!

Week 9 Day 2: Thought Bubble

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Fantastic work Georgia! I’m so impressed with your newspaper report. You’ve written in the past tense by adding -ed to the verbs. I also love your exciting headline! Well done for this brilliant piece of work, you are a superstar!

Monday Message 8th June

Morning everybody,

It is week 9! We're continuing the story 'The Bear and the Piano' so keep an eye out every morning for more videos linked to your writing tasks.
Miss Bailey has made a really helpful maths video to support your home learning in maths. Check it out just below this video!

I'll be ringing on Wednesday again this week. If you'd like to choose a favourite book from home, I would love to hear you read a couple of pages over the phone. Looking forward to speaking to you!

Miss Connolly :)

Maths Video Week 9

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Marakey, I'm very impressed-you guessed Piano correctly! I really like your title 'Strange Thing' and how you've used a speech bubble to show how confused the bear cub is. Well done Marakey, keep up the great work!

The Bear and the Piano

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Here is Hilda’s prediction of the front cover and title! There’s so much detail in your drawing Hilda! I really like how you’ve labelled the different parts of your picture. On your front cover, there’s a girl saying ‘Don’t cut down the tree’ which reminds me of the story ‘The Great Kapok tree’. Lovely ideas Hilda! Keep up the great work!

Wow Alfie! Not only am I impressed with all of the kind acts you did during the half term but I am also loving your brilliant writing. What a superstar! Have a read below to find out all of the lovely, kind things Alfie did!

The Bear and the Piano

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Here is Alexander’s front cover and title! I’m very impressed that you guessed piano correctly! Which clue gave it away I wonder? You’ve really used your imagination here Alex. It looks like you’ve drawn two settings: the forest above and a very detailed city scene below! Am I right? Love it!

Thank you Georgia for sending in your front cover and title prediction! Your bear has found a magic key-good detective work linking it to the Biff, Chip and Kipper books! But now we know it wasn’t a was a piano! I love your detailed drawing and how you’ve edited the title to include an adjective! Superstar!

Title and front cover reveal!

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Martha has jumped straight into her learning this morning with this fantastic prediction of what the title and front cover of our new story will be! Brilliant guess Martha! I can see that your bear cub has found a magic key, just like in the Biff, Chip and Kipper stories. Well done for making that link! All will be revealed tomorrow....

During half term, Marakey made this amazing 3D picture of a lion. It's so cool! I would love to learn how you made it pop out of the page like that! Thank you for sending in your picture Marakey :)

Monday Message Week 8

Hello everyone!

I hope you've had a really lovely half-term. Freddie, Maths Monster and I are missing you very much. I can't believe it is already June but it defintiely feels like summer has arrived-with this beautiful weather!

Your learning packs are ready now and you can find them on our school website under Year 1 and 2 class pages. You can also pick up a hard copy from the school office, just make sure you ring ahead first!

Over the next two weeks we will be reading a new story together. I am not going to read in all in one go, so you will need to check the class page for the next part of the story each day this week and next. The story links to your writing activities for the next three weeks and as usual, I would LOVE to see examples of your writing work so please send them in so I can share them on our class page!

Miss Bailey has made a video to help you with your maths learning this week. It is just below this video so make sure you check it out as well!

If you find anything tricky in your learning pack and you need some help, please get in touch by emailing the school admin address. I will also be phoning you this week (on Wednesday), I'm really looking forward to speaking to you all!

Miss Connolly xx

Maths Video Week 8

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'Here we are' by Oliver Jeffers

Good Morning 2C!

I hope you've had a nice week. Thank you to all the children who sent in examples of their work :)

Next week is half-term and my challenge to you is to keep a kindness diary. Each day of half-term I would like you to write one kind thing that either you did or you saw someone else doing! If you'd like to add pictures and drawings to your diary, that would be really lovely to see as well!

I hope you enjoy this story. I love this book because of its message-to care for our very special planet and all the plants, people and creatures that live on it! There are some great illustrations and really cool facts, so do pause the video and have a chat!

Have a lovely half-term everyone!

Lot's of love,

Miss Connolly xx

Elliana has been getting up to lot's of fun things at home: baking, helping her brother to read, seed hunting, experimenting with seeds, drawing, and story writing! Elias is very lucky to have you as his big sister. Helping him to read is such a kind thing to do! I LOVED reading your story. There were some super descriptions and I really liked the simile "... his shoes gathered around him like an army." Brilliant! Keep up the super work! Elliana also carried out an exciting experiment with seeds. She is investigating if music affects seed growth so she's planted two seeds and plays music to one of the seeds for two hours each day! What an interesting idea! I wonder what the results will be? Maybe you can send in a picture of them in a few weeks so we can see the difference!

Thank you for your lovely message Martha! It looks like you've been keeping very busy at home. I loved reading your excellent story about the little shopkeeper and I'm super impressed with your painting of Henry Rousseau's picture. Martha also baked a special birthday cake for her sister's birthday, which was on Saturday! What a lucky sister you have! It looks so yummy! For VE day, Martha made a wonderful banner and hung it on her balcony. Thank you for sharing all the fun things you've been getting up to!

HELP! Maths Monster has written a letter to his Mummy Monster but he's completely forgotten to use punctuation. He needs you to do him a BIG favour and edit his letter by adding the correct punctuation. Once complete, take a picture and send it to the school admin email address. Then Maths Monster can send his letter! You'll need to add: capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, apostrophes and commas. Thanks 2C-Maths Monster is relying on you!

Monday Message 18th May

WOW! I wouldn’t want to walk past this seed, I don’t think I would ever be able to unstick it! With it’s sap pockets, double hook features AND sticky hairs this seed is sure to travel far! Well done Sadie, beautifully drawn and excellent, clear labelling! Thank you for sending in your design. I can see you’re working very hard at home. What a superstar! Keep it up!

Alfie found a tickly seed on his walk today! How do you think this seed is dispersed? Thank you for sending in your picture Alfie. I’m also VERY excited to see you in our share the love video which will be shown in Miss Pipkin’s assembly on Friday.

Alexander has carried on one of Henri Rosseau’s paintings. What brilliant imagination and skill! I love that you’ve copied the style and direction of his brush strokes. It would be interesting to see how different everyone’s ‘carried on’ pictures would be! If you’ve completed this activity, send in a picture so we can compare! So glad you had fun doing this Alexander! Keep up the brilliant work!

Snap! Georgia found the same seed as me! Does anyone know which tree this seed is from? Your science activity today is to design a seed that sticks to humans and animals- I would love to see your finished designs! Look carefully at the detail on Georgia’s seed for inspiration!

Alfie made this wonderful banner for VE Day! It looks fantastic Alfie, what a great idea! His dog Tiger decided he wanted to be part of the photo as well!

On my walk, I discovered some interesting seeds. These seeds are dispersed by sticking to animals and humans, just look at their scratchy hooks and sticky hair! If you go on a seed hunt this week, please send a picture of the different seeds you find to the school admin address so I can add them to our class page!

Monday Message: Week 6

Hi 2C!

I hope you enjoyed celebrating VE day and the lovely long weekend we've had!

This week in writing you'll be retelling the story of 'The Little Shoemaker'. This video will help you plan your story using a story mountain. You may find it useful to pause the video and complete each part of the plan alongside the video.

I would love to read your completed stories so feel free to send in either a picture of your work or a video of you reading your story aloud!

Lot's of love,

Miss Connolly x

Alexander's helicopter seed!

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Our super scientist Alexander has had a go at making a paper helicopter seed model! Watch how the wings twirl in the wind. Great Job Alex! Try adding a paper clip to the bottom part to slow it down even more. Alex has also been enjoying researching seed dispersal on
YouTube. I hope everyone else has had fun with their science activity this week too :)


Hi everyone,

Freddie and Maths Monster have been learning some important life lessons-all about MONEY! This video should help you to complete Wednesday's maths activity where you will investigate using different coins to create a total amount.
It would be helpful if you could use real coins so ask your adult at home if you can borrow some for this activity. The video is quite long so feel free to pause it if there's a particular skill you need to practice before moving on.


Miss Connolly x

Thank you Marakey for sending in some pictures of your creations from last week! Your 3D Spring garden is AMAZING! I would love to stroll around inside it and look at all of the bright, colourful plants and flowers. Marakey has also had a go at making a paper mache globe. I think I can spot North and South America! Well done you superstar, it's so lovely to see your brilliant work!

Monday message: Week 5

Hello 2C!

It's week 5 and your new learning packs are on the website! Miss Bailey and I have chosen some exciting investigations and projects for you to keep busy with this week.
Thank you to everyone who sent in pictures and videos last week. It's great to be able to share the lovely, creative activities you've been doing so please keep them coming!
I'll be adding a maths video to our class page tomorrow to help you with Wednesday and Thursday's money lesson so keep an eye out for that.
You can also find the animation video for your writing tasks on our class page (just below this video). It's quite a funny one so I hope you enjoy it!
I am missing you all terribly and I just cannot wait until we go back to school!

Lot's of love,

Miss Connolly

The Little Shoemaker

This is the animation to accompany your writing activities for the next two weeks!

Some more amazing and creative learning happening at home! Gus made a globe out of paper maché. It looks SUPERB! I love the detail. I can see Antarctica, can you spot any of the other continents? Gus has also written instructions on how to make a globe. Well done Gus! Keep up the brilliant work :)

I'm so pleased to see lots of children having fun with their learning! Martha went pond dipping in Gillespie Nature Reserve today and she made quite the discovery...TADPOLES! I love the life cycle diagram that you put together Martha...Do we all know what tadpoles grow into? If you're not sure, check out Martha's diagram below! Martha also saw newts, ducks, squirrels and a water rat on her walk. What a fantastic way to learn about science and the world around us! I would love to see an update on the tadpoles if you return to Gillespie park next week!

How to make the greatest bath!

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I LOVE your writing and diagram Georgia! Thank you for writing such clear instructions AND presenting them with this brilliant video. It certainly looks like the greatest bath ever! Keep up the fantastic work :)

Martha has been very busy over the past few weeks! Martha made a boat using plastic and cardboard. She made it all by herself and guess what? It floats! How impressive! Well done SUPERSTAR! I'm also very pleased to hear that Martha has been helping out whilst she's at home. She helped to bake this delicious Easter cake by weighing and measuring all of the ingredients. It looks like the tastiest cake ever!

WOW! What beautiful, neat handwriting Hilda! Hilda has written a recipe on how to make fruit salad. I'm going to follow these instructions later for my lunch :) Thank you Hilda. I also love that you've used -est words to describe your salad. Can you spot the adjectives ending in -est in Hilda's recipe?

Hilda is going to write instructions on how to make a fruit salad! Looks delicious and healthy! I can't wait to read your instructions Hilda :) What a superstar!


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Here’s a little video to start you off with this week’s writing task!

I would love to see your finished instructions so please take a picture of your writing and send it to the school admin address!

Miss Connolly x

More messy maths! Can you tell what number these two have drawn (using my favourite nail varnish 😡)?

Tidy tens!

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Hello everyone!

Maths Monster and Freddie have been getting up to all sorts of mischief at my house. I think they are really missing our classroom! I hope their ‘tidy tens’ helps you with your maths work this week!
If you are feeling confident, challenge yourself by adding/subtracting two digit numbers with tens and ones e.g. 56 + 13 = ? or 27 - 14 = ?.
You can create your own number sentences and copy us by making groups of tens with loose parts or you could just draw your tens and ones like we used to in class!

Remember, I love to see what you’ve been up to at home so please send in pictures or videos so I can post them to our class page ❤️

Miss Connolly x

The grand launch of S019 by Gus!

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What amazing DT and science skills! Your ship is fantastic Gus! Thank you for sending me the launch video, I love seeing all of your wonderful creations!

Miss Connolly x

Super silly Sadie saying super silly songs!

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What a super silly superstar! I love it Sadie! Well done for writing your own tongue twister and delivering it with super sonic speed. I am very impressed!

Who else is up to the challenge?

Send your videos to the admin email address!

Miss Connolly


Good Morning!

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Hello everyone!
I hope you’ve enjoyed celebrating Easter with your families. I miss you all SO much! Check out my video message to see the silly challenge that I’ve set you for this week.
Please send any videos of you completing the challenge, along with any other exciting things you’ve been up to, to:
Looking forward to seeing how you get on!
Lots of love,
Miss Connolly


Some tricky tongue twisters for you to try:


*She sells sea shells by the sea shore, and the sea shells she sells are sea shells for sure!


*How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, If a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.


*Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers that Peter Piper picked?


There are lots of other examples available online if you want to try something different AND if you are feeling creative, you can even have a go at writing your own silly tongue twister!
Just choose a letter from the alphabet (maybe it could be the letter at the beginning of your name) and try to start most of the words in your sentence with that letter.

Here’s mine:


Miss Connolly carefully counts cute, clever cats 🐈 


Good luck!


Miss Connolly



Sadie has been very busy. Look at these delicious caramel tarts! Yummy!

So proud of Sadie who has learned how to ride a bike!

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Freddie has been using all his spare time to learn how to read a clock! Do you know what time it says?

Alfie made a really cool rainstick! Great work!

Alexander has had a busy morning, completing his learning pack and listening to our librarian Alix read a story! Here he is relaxing and playing some games on our school website. Thanks for sending in the photo! Looking forward to seeing what everyone else is getting up to! Miss Connolly x

What a messy pair! Freddie and Maths Monster have deconstructed our reading corner whilst on their quest for story book treasure!

Hi from Miss Connolly!

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Hi everybody!

Missing you LOADS! If you have any pictures of what you’ve been up to, send them to the school admin email and I will add them our class page.

Lots of love,
Miss Connolly xx

Hi again!


Look at the picture below to see what Freddie and Maths Monster have been up to today! Maybe you can join them and do your own special art activity at home?


You could use junk modelling materials to build a statue, just like the 'Hand in the Desert'.


I hope everyone is doing well and staying at home.


Miss Connolly :)



Freddie and Maths Monster finishing our paper maché!

A message from Freddie and Maths Monster...

Hi everyone!


What a strange Monday it is without you in class! I hope you are all staying safe at home. We certainly miss you very much in 2C. Maths Monster and Freddie the Fish are feeling a little confused, but I explained that it won’t be long before we see each other again.

Check our class page everyday for updates and messages from Freddie and Maths Monster!

I hope you are enjoying your learning packs.

Sending you all lots of love,

Miss Connolly


Trip to the Tower of London

Y2 Prayer Book

Y2 Topic Focus

We've had
2 9 1 4 2 5
Previously we had