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Spring 2- Our Wonderful World (North America)



We have been learning all about Alaska and its beautiful physical features! We learnt that Alaska has lots of volcanoes, national parks, mountains and glaciers.



We also learnt that climate change is having an impact on Alaska's indigenous people- language, homes and food. Have a look at one of our posters to learn more!


Spring 1- Tomb Raiders


In Spring 1, we looked at the Ancient Egyptians! We're going to locate Egypt on a map and identify where the Valley of the Kings are.  We're also going to put events into chronological order and design and sketch our very own Pharaoh mask!


Autumn 2- Visit the UK


This half term, we have been practising our geography skills! We have enjoyed using the atlases and exploring the different countries in the UK!

We have learnt the capitals of the countries in the UK:

England- London

Wales- Cardiff

Scotland- Edinburgh

North Ireland- Belfast

and we have located them on a map!


We have also identified a range of human and physical features in Islington and we predicted what London might look like in 3020!



Autumn 1- The World Through Different Eyes

We have really enjoyed learning about a range of artists and the different techniques they use in their work.


Inspired by shadow puppets, we made our own puppet show of the 'Three Little Pigs!' We used black card, silhouettes and sticks to recreate the story. We really enjoyed performing it in groups to the class!


We've had
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Previously we had