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Parent Handbooks & Guides

Parent Handbooks:

These parent handbooks contain everything there is to know about the day-to-day running of Nursery & Reception; including uniform expectations, staffing, home-school learning and donations we require.

They are given out at our introductory sessions for the next academic year but can also be downloaded here: 


SeeSaw is Nursery and Reception's online learning platform. We have used this during school closures and since returning to school have used it as a communication tool with parents. 

You can use SeeSaw to communicate with your class teacher. We also celebrate WOW Moments through SeeSaw, you can submit your WOW Moments through SeeSaw and the teachers and children then celebrate these achievements in class each week. Please see below for more information on Wow Moments. 


SeeSaw Log in Page

EYFS WOW Certificates!

We very much believe that your child’s learning in the Early Years is a partnership between home and school. We believe it is very important to know and celebrate your child’s achievements, both inside and outside of school!

Any time you feel that your child has achieved something special at home or outside of school, please write this on a WOW moment certificate! Then hand it to the class teacher so we can celebrate this achievement at school and add it to your child’s achievement book.


Examples of special achievements at home could be:

  • Getting dressed independently
  • Doing up their zip by themselves
  • Recognising a sound/letter/ or number when out and about
  • Achieving something at an after-school club: e.g swimming, karate etc.


Anything at all that you feel shows progress in their learning and development.

You could even include a photo to share with the class and go into their achievement book!

EYFS Prayer Book:

Below are the prayers that the children learn to recite confidently in Nursery and Reception:


EYFS Parent Guides & Information:

Conversations around the pictures in stories, early reading skills

Book talk with children is just as important as the mechanics of learning to read and phonetical knowledge. In this example we see how long discussions and c...

Example of 1:1 Reception reading time

We've had
2 9 1 5 9 6
Previously we had