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Y6P Mr Rodrigo

Week 13 video. Hi Year 6. Hope you are all well. It has been great seeing you recently and talking to some of you on the phone. Here is the video for this week. There is a message about the leavers assembly video so please watch it carefully. If any of you want to send in a video of you doing some tiktoks, please do I will use them in the assembly. Have a great second last week. Mr Rodrigo

Still image for this video

Hi Year 6,


If you need to send a video that is too big to send on a normal email, use this link It will let you send a file up to 2GB in size.



Just a reminder for videos and pictures. This week I need:

- baby pictures.

- a video of you miming or singing 'Times like these' (send it in using

- A picture of you in navy against a white or navy background.

- Choir you need to send in videos for Miss Palmer. Go to the choir webpage for more information.


Make sure you have also sent in your videos from last week. One saying you favourite memory of Sacred Heart and the other explaining what you want to be when you are older.

Week 12 video 1

Still image for this video

Week 12 video 2

Still image for this video

A great, and very complicated, piece of origami created by Maggie in our RE lesson.

Hi Year 6,


Don’t forget to send in your videos for the end of year video assembly. This week I need two videos.


  • One the has you tell your favourite memory of Sacred Heart (that can be in any year group)
  • One that tells me what you want to do when you are older.


These don’t have to be long video clips. Once you have done them please send them to


I will be giving you a new task next Monday to do with music.


Mr Rodrigo

Good morning Year 6P. Welcome to Week 11 of your learning. Below are two videos explaining your learning this week. The PDFs of this learning pack are available on the Home Learning page of the website along side the Maths videos. I have also put the answers to last weeks maths at the bottom. Have a great week. Mr Rodrigo.

Still image for this video

Week 11b.mp4

Still image for this video

Have a read of this great piece of work from Emmanuel. What a great story - I love the influences from other stories you have read and the great dialogue you have used. Well done!

Great piece of Topic work by Emmanuel this week. Looking at a the a South American bird called the Macaw. Really good facts and picture to match. Emmanuel has even linked it to our Science work and used Carl Linnaeus' classification system. Well done.

This should help you with your Science on Wednesday.

Week 10 Hi 6P, watch this video with me and Ms Brown to find out what you are doing in your learning packs this week. There are two videos so make sure you watch them both.

Still image for this video

I have also put the Maths answers from last week underneath.

Video 2

Still image for this video

Emmanuel sent in this pictures of his topic postcard. Great art work on the front of the statues on Easter Island (Part of Chile). It's great to hear that you are doing well at home Emmanuel.

Great newspaper article on the Toilet Paper Catastrophe by Hosanna. Well done! I particularly liked the quotes at the end of the article.

Week 9


Hi 6P! Welcome back to Week 9 of your home learning.


It was really nice to speak to some of you last week and hear that you are doing well. I have had some great work sent in too, which you should be able to see below. As you probably know now, I (Mr Rodrigo) will be taking your class until the end of the year. I am looking forward to seeing some of you come back this week.  


Below I will explain this week’s tasks in English, Reading, Maths, Science, RE and Topic. There are 5 days worth of work this week. I have put some extra links to help you should you wan to use them. I have also, at the bottom, put the answers to last weeks maths work.


In English, you will be writing a letter to your secondary school. This is a great opportunity to think about your strengths and things you want to get better at but also the things you are excited about or more nervous about. Before you start writing, you will need to plan your letter. I have included a planning template for you to use, which should help you structure what you are writing.


In Reading, you will be completing some comprehension and writing a review of a book you have read. Make sure you continue to read for pleasure for 30mins a day.


For Maths you will be working on multiplying, dividing and fractions to decimals. I have put some videos that go with the lessons on the website. Use them they are really good and help with the learning a lot. You can pause them as you are watching to help too. I have also added the answers to last week’s maths at the bottom of this so you can check your work.


I have also put the answers to last week’s Maths under this post so you can check your work.


For RE, you have some more tasks based around the Kingdom of Heaven and some work on exploring the parable of the mustard seed. Both of these task are laid out clearly in your packs.


You will be continuing your work on South America in Topic. This will include two design projects. One are and the other DT. Please send any of your designs to the school so I can put them on the website.


In Science, you will be looking at micro-organism . There is an error on the timetable. For this one but the work is clear in the pack. You will be learning about micro-organisms then you will create one yourself. There is a clear template for you to use to do this.


There will still be Mathletics and Reading eggs set every week and I will also be adding some brain teasers and activities you may want to try every few days. You can email your answers to the school admin email ( remember to say which class you are in. These are not compulsory but they may be fun.


Maths Help:



General: Use these videos to help you with the maths questions. They will explain how to work out the answers and each one is linked to the lesson for that day.


General help







WOW! What a brilliant piece of writing by Hosanna! I felt like I was reading this straight out of a book. The structure and figurative language completely fits the narrative style of writing; giving the read a true sense of the story. Excellent work! - Mr Rodrigo



Hi 6P! Welcome back to Week 8 of your home learning.


I hope you had a great half term and got to spend some time outside with your family. This weeks learning is laid out slightly differently than before. It is one document per week with the work in the order I would like you to complete it in. There are subheadings that tell you which day you are on and a timetable at the start.


Below I will explain this week’s tasks in English, Reading, Maths, Science, RE and Topic. There are 5 days worth of work this week. I have put some extra links to help you should you wan to use them. I have also, at the bottom, put the answers to last weeks maths work.


In English, you will be writing a newspaper article on one of three topics I have given on the writing prompt. Before you start writing, you will need to plan your article. I have included a planning template for you to use, which should help you structure what you are writing. I have also added a link below to BBC bitesize daily. It is a lessons that might help you when you are writing your article.


Writing an report:


In Reading, you will be completing some comprehension and writing a review of a book you have read. Make sure you continue to read for pleasure for 30mins a day.


For Maths you will be continuing with fractions; multiplying, dividing and finding amounts. I have put some videos that go with the lessons on the website. Use them they are really good and help with the learning a lot. You can pause them as you are watching to help too. I have also added the answers to last week’s maths at the bottom of this so you can check your work.


I have also put the answers to last week’s Maths under this post so you can check your work.


For RE, you have some tasks based around the Kingdom of Heaven and some work on exploring the parable of the mustard seed. Both of these task are laid out clearly in your packs.


You will be continuing your work on South America in Topic. This will include some research on food and a comparing task. It is a really interesting topic so if you want to send any pictures in please do so.


In Science, you will be looking at micro-organism . This includes planning an investigation, there is a template to use to help you with this and a powerpoint to read through first.


There will still be Mathletics and Reading eggs set every week and I will also be adding some brain teasers and activities you may want to try every few days. You can email your answers to the school admin email ( remember to say which class you are in. These are not compulsory but they may be fun.


Maths Help:



General: Use these videos to help you with the maths questions. They will explain how to work out the answers and each one is linked to the lesson for that day.


General help







A great piece of Art work from Gabriella. Well done!!!

Some great work from Florence last week. Learning about VE Day, she researched her Great Grandparents role in the War, one who flew Lancaster Bombers, two served in Africa, her Great Grandma who was in the WAAF & a cousin who sadly died at Dunkirk at the age of 21. She word very hard last week on her Kobra picture & her letter to the Government demanding better pay of the NHS. She did her own research about the origins of the NHS & Nye Bevin.

Hi 6P! Welcome to Week 7 of your home learning.


I hope you are doing well and aren’t too bored yet. How did you find the work last week? If anything was too difficult, use the links to help you. If you have any letters from last week I would love to publish them on the website or would like to send in a picture of any of the work you have done please do ( You might also want to try BBC bitesize home learning.  Here is the link to the site to help




Below I will explain this week’s tasks in English, Reading, Maths, Science, RE and Topic. There are 5 days worth of work this week. I have put some extra links to help you should you wan to use them. I have also, at the bottom, put the answers to last weeks maths work.


In English, you will be writing a balanced argument on one of three topics I have given on the writing prompt. Before you start writing, you will need to plan your argument. I have included a planning template for you to use, which should help you structure what you are writing. I have also added some links below to BBC bitesize daily. They are short lessons that might help you when you are writing your arguments. The second link is about writing an argument/debate. Your writing will be a balance argument so make sure you present both sides of the topic you are writing about. Your plan should help you do this.


Using hyphens and dashes

Writing an argument/debate



In Reading, you will be completing some comprehension and writing a review of a book you have read. Make sure you continue to read for pleasure for 30mins a day.


For Maths you will be moving on to fractions. Comparing, adding and subtracting. I have put some videos that go with the lessons on the website. Use them they are really good and help with the learning a lot. You can pause them as you are watching to help too. I have also added the answers to last week’s maths at the bottom of this so you can check your work.


I have also put the answers to last week’s Maths under this post so you can check your work.



For RE, you have some tasks based around Laudato Si and some work on exploring a person of God. Both of these task are laid out clearly in your packs.


You will be continuing your work on South America in Topic. This will include some research on the amazon rainforest and a DT task. It is a really interesting topic so if you want to send any pictures in please do so.


In Science, you will be looking at the evidence there is for evolution. This includes looking at the way that scientist have used fossils to determine what has happened in the past. I have put a PowerPoint on the website for you to go through. Then you will need to write an explanation text explaining how they use evidence and what scientist have learnt.

There will still be Mathletics and Reading eggs set every week and I will also be adding some brain teasers and activities you may want to try every few days. You can email your answers to the school admin email ( remember to say which class you are in. These are not compulsory but they may be fun.


Maths Help:



General: Use these videos to help you with the maths questions. They will explain how to work out the answers and each one is linked to the lesson for that day.


General help







Great poem by Tilly this week. Some brilliant personification and figurative language.

Also some great Science work showing the life cycle of a butterfly. Great pictures, explanations and scientific vocabulary. Well done Tilly this is great.

Week 6


Hi 6P!


Welcome to week 6 of your home learning.


I hope you are well and keeping safe at home. Have you watched the assembly and seen the share the love video? If you want you can send one of your own in too. How did you find the work last week? If anything was too difficult, use the links to help you. If you have any good stories or would like to send in a picture of any of the work you have done please do ( You might also want to try BBC bitesize home learning.  Here is the link to the site to help




Below I will explain this week’s tasks in English, Reading, Maths, Science, RE and Topic. There are 5 days worth of work this week. I have put some extra links to help you should you wan to use them. I have also, at the bottom, put the answers to last weeks maths work.


In English, you will be writing a persuasive letter on one of three topics I have given on the writing prompt. Before you start writing, you will need to plan your letter. I have included a planning template for you to use, which should help you structure what you are writing. I have also added some links below to BBC bitesize daily. They are short lessons that might help you when you are writing your letters. The second link is about writing a formal report. I know this isn’t what you are writing but it discusses formal language which will be really helpful as your letter should be formally written. You can address your letter to whomever you want.


Using brackets

Writing a formal report



In Reading, you will be completing some comprehension and writing a review of a book you have read. Make sure you continue to read for pleasure for 30mins a day.


For Maths you will be continuing to look at angles in shape then moving on to problem solving. I have put some videos that go with the lessons on the website. Use them they are really good and help with the learning a lot. You can pause them as you are watching to help too. I have also added the answers to last week’s maths at the bottom of this so you can check your work.



For RE, you have some tasks based around Prayer and a passage from John’s Gospel. This includes reading and analysing the passage then discussing its meaning.


You will be continuing your work on South America in Topic. This will include some Art work in the style of Brazilian street artist Eduardo Kobra. It is really vibrant, colourful art so this should be a great task to get on with. Send in any of your pieces. There is also a geography lesson that will ask you to compare the differences between countries.


In Science, you will be looking at adaptations. These are the changed that occur in living things over  along period of time that allow them to become more suited to their environment.  I have put a powerpoint on the website for you to go through and this link might be helpful.

Then you will need to create a diagram of a animal/plant or other living thing that is specifically adapted to living in a Year 6 classroom. Think about what features would allow it to survive (hide, eat, drink etc…)


There will still be Mathletics and Reading eggs set every week and I will also be adding some brain teasers and activities you may want to try every few days. You can email your answers to the school admin email ( remember to say which class you are in. These are not compulsory but they may be fun.


Maths Help:



General: Use these videos to help you with the maths questions. They will explain how to work out the answers and each one is linked to the lesson for that day.


General help







For those of you looking for a little bit of a Maths challenge, try these. Also i will be adding the answers to the Maths work for this week on Friday.

Week 5


Hi 6P! Welcome to week 5 of your home learning.


I hope you are well and keeping safe at home. Have you watch Ms Pipkin’s assembly yet? It's really good. How did you find the work last week? If anything was too difficult, use the links to help you. You might also want to try BBC bitesize home learning.  Here is the link to the site to help




The next 3 weeks of work is now up on the website and I have put new timetables as well, remember to use the timetables as this will tell you what you are doing in each subject and when you are doing it. It will also explain which resources from the Home Learning pack you might need. Below, I will explain this week’s work. There are 4 day worth of work because Friday is the bank holiday.


In English, you will be writing a narrative story based on a picture of a tiny dragon. There are some talking points first and a plan to complete before you start writing. Make sure you complete the planning first as it will help you structure your writing and ensure your story makes sense. I have added some links below to BBC bitesize daily. They are short lessons that might help you when you are writing your story.


Expanded Noun Phrases




In Reading, you will be completing some comprehension and writing a review of a book you have read. Make sure you continue to read for pleasure for 30mins a day.


For Maths you will be looking at angles in shape. I have put some videos that go with the lessons on the website. Use them they are really good and help with the learning a lot. You can pause them as you are watching to help too.



For RE, you have some tasks based around Pentecost and Easter. This includes looking at Pope Francis’ actions and discussing how he is influenced by his faith.


You will be continuing your work on South America in Topic. This will include some Art work in the style of Brazilian street artist Eduardo Kobra. It is really vibrant, colourful art so this should be a great task to get on with. Send in any of your pieces.


In Science, you will be looking at inheritance. I have put a powerpoint on the website for you to go through and this link might be helpful.

Then you will need to create a poster to explain what inheritance is.


There will still be Mathletics and Reading eggs set every week and I will also be adding some brain teasers and activities you may want to try every few days. You can email your answers to the school admin email ( remember to say which class you are in. These are not compulsory but they may be fun.


Maths Help:





General: Use these videos to help you with the maths questions. They will explain how to work out the answers and each one is linked to the lesson for that day.


General help







Week Four Challenge:





Design a maze that a marble can travel through. Cut up the straws and use sellotape or run a string to hold the straws together. Place maze on a paper plate or piece of card and guide the marble through the maze by tilting the paper plate.


Send in a picture if you manage to make one.



Welcome to Week 4 of your home learning 6P.


I hope you enjoyed last week’s work and didn’t find any of it too easy or too hard. Week 4’s work is on the home learning page for Year 6 and your Reading Eggs and Mathletics are set too. Make sure you are completing this as well as your daily tasks. I hope your managing to keep busy and got time to enjoy the nice weather last week. I have added the link to Newsround in case you want to continue to watch this in the mornings.


The work this week is as follows, remember to use the timetables as this will tell you what you are doing in each subject and when you are doing it. It will also explain which resources from the Home Learning pack you might need.


In English, you will be writing a poem after exploring the Budapest poem that has been put on the website. It is up to you how you want to write the poem but make sure you explore the language you use before you write. Have a look at the use of personification (describing a non-human thing as having human qualities) this will help you create the best poems. Also remember the other forms of poetic language: similes, metaphors, alliteration, figurative language and see if you can get some of them in your writing too.


In Reading, you will be completing some comprehension and writing a review of a book you have read. Make sure you continue to read for pleasure for 30mins a day.


For Maths you will be looking at scaling factors, proportion and angles. I have put some links below to help you if you need them.


For RE, you have some tasks based around Pentecost and Easter. This includes looking at the Jewish celebration of Shavu’ot and how Pope Francis lives in the Spirit of Pentecost.


You will be continuing your work on South America in Topic. This will include some Art work, an a Geography research project on El Nino. This website might help you with this:


In Science, you will be looking at Evolution. This week, you will be looking at adaptive traits. These are the adaptations that occur in species that make them more suited to the habitat they live in.


There will still be Mathletics and Reading eggs set every week and I will also be adding some brain teasers and activities you may want to try every few days. You can email your answers to the school admin email ( remember to say which class you are in. These are not compulsory but they may be fun.


Maths Help:






General: Use these videos to help you with the maths questions. They will explain how to work out the answers and each one is linked to the lesson for that day. All of this weeks lessons are under week 2.



These may also be helpful:











Hi 6P,


below is  a computing task. If you click the link you will be taken to a website where you can do coding and ICT task to earn badges and awards that can be used in Secondary school. There are some really good and fun tasks on there so have a go.

Hi all here is the answer to the challenge question i posted on Monday.


Red 2

Pink 5

Brown 3

To answer this, first you should take away the differences from the total 10 - 1 - 3 = 6

Then divide this by how many baskets there are. This will give you the minimum eggs per basket. from reading the question i can see that the red basket has the least so this must be 2. The pink has 3 more so this must be 5 and the brown has one more so must be 3. Then I added them up to check they reached 10.


I will post another challenge tomorrow so keep visiting.

Week 3 Challenge. Have a go at this. If you find an answer you can email it to put your first name and class on the email then your answer. I will post the correct answer on Wednesday.

Week 3 and 4


Welcome back 6P.


I hope the Easter break has been good and you are safe. There are lots of thing to keep you busy at home on the Year 6 Home Learning page. During this time it can be helpful to keep yourself on a daily time table. Doing things that you might usually do in school such as watching News Round and having a break in the day. There are also so great daily workouts and things to keep you active. Joe Wicks daily work out is really good (



There is some work set on a timetable for the next two weeks in the ‘Year 6 Home Learning’ page section on the school website. It is best to go to the timetable first. This will tell you what you are doing in each subject and when you are doing it. It will also explain which resources from the Home Learning pack you might need.

In English, you will be writing a narrative story based on a picture that has been put on the website. It is up to you how you want to write the story but plan it before you write. You might want to do this using a ‘story mountain’ to help you. Whatever you do you need to make sure you have a good idea of the plot (what is going to happen); the setting (where it will happen); and the characters (who is going to be in it). I will write to you about week two’s English next week.

In Reading, you will be completing some comprehension and writing a review of your favourite book. Make sure you continue to read for pleasure for 30mins a day.

For Maths you will be looking at ratio this week and half of next week then angles the week after. I have put some links below to help you with ratio if you need them.

For RE, you have some tasks based around Pentecost and Easter. This includes looking at Matthew’s version of the Resurrection, the Jewish celebration of Shavu’ot and how Pope Francis lives in the Spirit of Pentecost.

You will be continuing your work on South America in Topic. This will include some Art work, Geography Fact files and a research project.

In Science, you will be looking at Evolution. In the first week you will be finding out about Charles Darwin and his initial Theory of Evolution. In the second week, you will be looking at adaptive traits these are the adaptations that occur in species that make them more suited to the habitat they live in.


There will still be Mathletics and Reading eggs set every week and I will also be adding some brain teasers and activities you may want to try every few days. You can email your answers to the school admin email ( remember to say which class you are in. These are not compulsory but they may be fun.


Maths Help:






Hello 6P,


Hope your first week of the home learning packs went well and you have already made a start on week 2. Make sure you keep doing it little and often to keep yourselves busy. Also remember to help your parents around the house and be kind to one another. It's also important to stay fit and healthy the body coach has some great PE sessions online (just search on you tube) which the whole family could get involved - why not try them? 


Keep busy on these websites below,

There are lots of useful websites that you can use to do a little bit extra;


I've set Mathletics  and Reading eggs so ensure you complete them before Friday!


Hope you and your families are staying safe and keeping well.


Miss Patterson

Welcome to class 6P, we have had a great start to the year and have lots of exciting things planned for this term. In RE we are starting to learn about the topic In the Beginning. Our class Mass is on Wednesday 9th October at 9.15am.

In Topic this term we are studying The World Through Different Eyes, where we are looking at Banksy and Lichtenstein’s work and exploring the reasons behind them. The children in year 6 are also having Arsenal coaching on a Monday afternoon and their additional PE lesson is a Friday afternoon. We have a trip to the Royal courts of Justice on Tuesday 15th October.

We are looking forward to a busy term and year.

Y6 Prayer Book

Y6 Topic Focus

We've had
2 9 1 4 2 7
Previously we had