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The Abominables 


We have used the Abominables as inspiration for our own stories. We created our own mythical creatures and interesting plots. We invented characters, described settings and tried really hard to write effective story openers to 'hook' the reader.


The Abominables is set in The Himalayas. We have been researching lots of facts about this mountain range and the people that live there. We carried out our own independent research using the iPads and we then uploaded our findings to Seesaw. We then used this research to write information leaflets about the Himalayas. Take a look at some of our Seesaw research about Sherpas below! 



Journey to Jo'burg 


We have continued our super writing this term. We linked our writing to our class text, Journey to Jo'burg. Here are some examples of: 


  • Diary entries
  • Speeches about the Apartheid 
  • Letters to the government about the Apartheid 




The Witches by Roald Dahl

This month we have been doing lots of fantastic writing. We read Roald Dahl's 'The Witches' where we met, the evil, Grand High Witch. We compared her to other witches from other books and films that we've read or seen. We then wrote a character description about her. We used lots of adjectives, similes and descriptive language in our writing. Luckily, we all now know how to recognise a witch if we see one! 
We've also been reading some poetry this month based on the Windrush generation. The poem we read is called 'Windrush Child' and it is written by John Agard. We noticed prepositions, rhyming, personification and repetition in this poem. We then used 'Windrush Child' as inspiration to write our own Windrush poem. We based our poems on how it must have felt to arrive in Britain from the Caribbean in 1948. Sadly, Britain was not as kind and welcoming to the Windrush generation as expected. 

John Agard - Windrush Child

Check out the poem here! This is John Agard himself introducing and reading his poem.

We've had
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Previously we had