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Spring 1 Update


Hi everyone!

I hope you’ve enjoyed a restful Christmas break! Wishing you all a very Happy New year!

We are very excited to get struck straight into our learning in St. John Paul class.


This half term, in english, we will be reading ‘The Great Fire of London’. We will also be exploring the history of the fire through our topic lessons!


In maths, our focus will be on number. The children will learn how to subtract tens and ones from double digit numbers. We will also begin to learn our 2, 5 and 10 times tables by heart! Each week, on Friday, the children will take part in a times tables personal best challenge.


Our weekly spelling tests will also continue this half term. We will be in competition with St. Teresa class to see which class can earn the super spelling trophy!


Please note that this our PE days will be on Monday and Tuesday this half term. On Tuesdays’ Arsenal coaches will teach the children football skills! Please send your child to school dressed in their PE kit on these days!


In RE our topic this half term will be ‘Jesus at Prayer’. The children will follow Matthew’s Gospel to learn all about Jesus’ life!


Watch out every Friday for our KS1 book club videos. The children will be sent home with a QR code and the videos can be found on our school website: class pages: year 1 & year 2.


As always, if you need any support or have any questions about our learning this half term, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can email the school admin address to arrange a telephone appointment.


Miss Connolly




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