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Y2 St John - Paul 2nd

Adding one digit numbers that cross ten!

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We’ve been working hard in Year 2 adding one digit numbers that cross ten! We need to have a really good understanding of number bonds to ten to be able to do this. Some children from St. John Paul class created a video to help all the adults at home understand the method we use in class. We hope you like it!

Challenge yourself and try these at home:

46 + 7 =

59 + 5 =

87 + 4 =

23 + 9 =

Hello parents and carers!

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Hi everyone,

Here’s a little video to say hello and introduce myself! We’ve enjoyed a great first week back at Sacred Heart. It’s nice to settle into a routine after all this time away from the classroom. I’ve been super impressed with the kindness and good manners of all the children in St. John Paul class. They really are a lovely bunch!

Miss Connolly
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2 9 1 5 9 6
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